Thursday, September 27, 2012

Miami Based Law Firm Offers Stable Legal Backup Support to Their ...

Fort Lauderdale, FL ( Pressreleasesworld ) September 26, 2012 ? Benezra Katz PA law firm offers well established and successful legal support to clients with complicated procedures of bankruptcy cases. This leading law firm was founded by Mr. Marc Benezra, a famous real estate lawyer of Miami. They legally represent their clients and assist them in obtaining the right solutions in all legal issues such as real estate transactions, foreclosures, title, bankruptcies, evictions and litigations.

In general, bankruptcy is the process in which creditors are paid with the unsettled amount from debtors. When bankruptcy is declared, each and every step associated with the process is completely under the administration of complete juridical law. Benezra Katz PA law firm assists their clients in each and every level of these cases to provide them the most desirable outcome.

This leading law firm is known for efficiently handling financially based issues. With years of experience in the field, they have proved a positive track record in dealing with bankruptcy cases.

A representative of Ben-ezra comments, ?The lawyers concerned with our law firm are highly professional and skilled to work on these cases. Their extensive experience will surely end in a profitable manner for client?s bankruptcy procedure.?

He continued, ?Since they have been dealing with bankruptcies for such a long period of time, they are have knowledge of almost any issue that may arise during the process?and of course, the way to solve them.?

The outcome of a bankruptcy case lies completely on the way the case is handled by the attorney. Any missteps can result in a negative outcome. These crucial factors make it absolutely necessary to find the right legal advisor to handle the case. ?We are proud to say that we have successfully solved the issues of our clients with their complete satisfaction. Our knowledge of the path to success, is the key in useful guidance? finally added the Media Person.

About the Benezra katz PA,

Benezra Katz PA is a leading Miami based law firm which offers effective legal solutions for their clients in real estate transactions, foreclosures, titles, bankruptcies and all financially based cases. To know more about Benezra Katz law firm visit



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RIM posts narrower than expected Q2 loss despite stalled BlackBerry sales

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IMF, World Bank Support $2.1 Billion Debt Relief for Guinea

IMF, World Bank Support $2.1 Billion Debt Relief for Guinea

Bauxite plant in Kamsar, Guinea where, amid rising investor confidence, large new projects are being developed, notably in mining sector (photo: Georges Gobet/AFP)


By Ivohasina Razafimahefa
IMF African Department

September 26, 2012

  • Guinea's annual average debt service reduced by more than 60 percent
  • Debt relief highlights progress in policy management, performance
  • IMF urges structural reform to maximize benefits from expected mining boom

The IMF and the World Bank decided, on September 26 and 25 respectively, to support debt relief of $2.1 billion for Guinea.

The Executive Boards of the two institutions agreed that Guinea had reached the final stage, or completion point, of the Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. As a result, the west African country will benefit from debt relief under the HIPC Initiative and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI), and from additional relief from bilateral creditors.

Total external debt service savings amount to $2.1 billion over 40 years, corresponding to a reduction of 66 percent. Multilateral creditors contribute 70 percent of the relief being provided, with the remainder coming from bilateral and commercial creditors. Debt relief provided by the World Bank?s International Development Association and the African Development Bank under the MDRI would save Guinea $964 million in debt service over 40 years (see chart).

Debt indicators

Guinea?s debt indicators will improve substantially as a result of the move. The ratio of the present value of future debt service to GDP will fall from about 50 percent at end-2011 to 13 percent at end-2012; and the ratio of the present value of future debt service to exports will be reduced from 186 percent to 49 percent, respectively, for the two periods. Guinea?s graduation under the enhanced HIPC Initiative brings to 34 the number of countries that benefited from its debt relief (see box).

The thirty-four

Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo
Cote d?Ivoire
The Gambia
S?o Tom? and Pr?ncipe
Sierra Leone

To reach the completion point under the HIPC debt relief initiative, Guinea had to meet specific targets relating to poverty reduction, macroeconomic management, and institutional reforms.

? Poverty reduction: preparation of a poverty reduction strategy in a participatory process, and satisfactory implementation of that strategy for at least one year

? Macroeconomic stability: good performance under the economic program being supported with financing under the IMF?s Extended Credit Facility

? Transparent governance: publication of annual reports of the anti-corruption agency and of audit reports of large government procurement contracts; and

? Improvement in the education and health sectors: the hiring of additional teachers and achievement of targets regarding children immunization and prenatal care.

?Reaching the HIPC completion point represents an important achievement for Guinea. It reflects the significant progress made in economic management following the first democratic elections in December 2010. The resulting debt relief will provide Guinea more resources for poverty reduction and economic growth,? said Harry Snoek, IMF mission chief for Guinea.

Engagement with the IMF

The IMF and World Bank Boards declared in December 2000 that Guinea was eligible under the HIPC Initiative (the decision point). However, attainment of the final stage of the HIPC process, the completion point, was repeatedly delayed, mainly by political crises and weak economic management.

Guinea?s performance under IMF-supported programs was mixed until the first democratically elected government took office in 2011. An SMP covering 2011 was satisfactorily implemented, paving the way to a program supported under the Extended Credit Facility, approved in February 2012 and covering the period 2012?14.

Building on the mining boom

Guinea has abundant natural resources and enormous potential in agriculture, mining, and hydroelectricity. The strong macroeconomic policies and structural reforms initiated in 2011 have contributed to improving investors? confidence and large new projects are being developed, notably in the mining sector.

It will be important to consolidate recent gains in macroeconomic stabilization and to avoid the policy reversals seen in the past. Structural reforms will be key to ensuring that the expected mining boom results in broad-based economic growth and poverty reduction. Such reforms should include strengthening governance in the mining sector, providing sustainable support to the agricultural sector, improving delivery of electricity and financial viability of the electricity company, and, more generally, improving economic governance and the business climate.

?Sound macroeconomic management will remain critical after the completion point to provide an enabling environment for growth, both in the mining and non-mining sectors. The authorities should adopt cautious debt management and policies to avoid falling back into debt distress,? Snoek said.


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Lucrative Video Content Marketing

video content marketing

video content marketing

Video content marketing is something that is never going to go away. Did you know that 80% of the whole United states that makes use of the internet views at the very least a single on-line video per month? That translates to 2 billion video views each day.

Bottom line: for those who have not but added video content marketing to your on the internet arsenal you?re missing out because video is right here to stay along with a excellent video usually converts far greater than a basic text presentation.

Making video is also very affordable. All you?ll need to acquire started nowadays is actually a intelligent telephone, cheap flip camera, or perhaps a straightforward screen capture plan and it is possible to immediately produce a great video within minutes. It is possible to even choose up free video editing software that may add titles, captions and callouts.

Even though it?s cheap to create your videos, make sure they are of greatest quality.

You happen to know that YouTube is full of crappy videos. And possibly 1/100 videos are worth their weight in salt. If you want your business to become seen attempt to present it inside the finest light!

It truly is essential to begin with all the end in mind prior to you begin a video content marketing campaign. What do you would like the video to achieve? What action do you wish the viewer to create after watching the video?

Plan your work and work your plan. Treat your video content marketing efforts specifically like every other top-dollar marketing campaign. Know exactly what you would like to achieve and why and in what time frame.

You wouldn?t post just 1 blog comment on your web site and you cannot just make a single video.

Most businesses when left to their very own devices get their videos wrong. They are not like mini Tv advertising opportunities. With all those millions of videos on YouTube newcomers are up against a huge level of competitors.

Entertain and lead with value and you could get a whole lot more exposure and sales in the long run than the competition who is focusing on sales and branding.

You may have heard concerning the Old Spice video fiasco? They ran a series of incredibly well-liked videos and then? they stopped. Loyal fans had been left saying WTF?

As soon as you start a viral campaign don?t let your plans go to waste. Hold your viewers interest and hold them engaged with fresh content.

Creating an ongoing dialogue with viewers is far a lot more critical than attempting to figure out the best way to make one video go viral. All that does is get you 15 minutes of fame.

By regularly generating excellent, informative and valuable videos you can build an growing fan base over time, just like developing a blog. The moment you?ve established an excellent reputation for developing very good videos, the fans will take over. They?ll be eager to share the contents socially.

Plan a Video Marketing Campaign

A good concept is always to plan your video marketing campaign in the beginning. Pull out a folder and label it ?Video Content Marketing? and choose at the very least six months worth of video posts. Try not to neglect on delivering useful content, and do not forget to come original!

You are able to constantly make a central character and script out his lifestory. This functions effectively as it is hooks the distinct videos with each other via a series of cliff hangers. The moment people turn into identified with the character they?ll tune in to determine what occurs next, just like on television.

Yet another great concept is always to make a funny video or two displaying what takes place to people who neglect to use your services. You can even dress-up and act!

Okay, large brands have very paid people who conceptualize, write and generate their company?s videos. Sometimes that works, but far more frequently than not it doesn?t, and it is a large expense.

Come up with new and fresh concepts that you just might have never ever thought of.

The aim is always to construct a loyal following by being creative and consistent in your video content marketing efforts.

Click here to learn more about video content marketing to generate leads and sales for years to come..

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To Your Success,
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P.S. Please click the ?LIKE? button at the top of this post and share with your friends on Facebook. I also love it when you leave a comment and I will attempt to answer each one personally. Thanks and stay inspired!!!

video content marketing


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5 Crucial Leadership Qualities |

5 Crucial Leadership Qualities

5 Crucial Leadership Qualities

Can you make a leader? Or is it one thing that is born? Several folks think that leaders are born, not produced. But, we disagree!

Right here is the cause why we believe leaders are not born?

Go and take a appear all the newly born babies in a nursing hospital, can you spot a leader there? I bet you see that some of the babies are crying? although other people are sleeping soundly.

Even though, there are particular traits that are inherent in some individuals, but leadership expertise can be created and nurtured by way of encounter and practice.

It goes with no saying that leadership abilities are quite Crucial, in each perform careers and fanily life. Every single organization in the planet is on a lookout for very good leaders to support them drive their corporations to achievement. A profitable organization has effective leaders, with out leaders, an organization is like a lost ship sailing in the wild sea.

You see, we think that Several of the fine leadership qualities can be learned and created more than time via some tricky perform and determination. If you believe that you can be a leader, you can!

Creating the leadership qualities in you is not a rocket science. The challenge primarily is to be able to apply particular leadership qualities and practice what the leaders do Every single day till such time they develop into a part of you.

No, it will not come about overnight. It calls for you to place in time and work to nurture the leadership traits in you.

Right here are the prime 3 qualities that Each and every successful leader possesses:

High quality #One particular: Vision

A leader should have a vision. He or she should have the capability to anticipate feasible future events and developments. A very good leader is able to see chance in a crisis. They can spot one thing that other will not see.

Top quality #two: Passion

A leader should have a passion ? a powerful enthusiasm and complete of power for a topic or activity that they are performing. Their passion will inspire other individuals to function towards the objectives.

Excellent #three: Action

A leader ought to have a robust want to make items occurs. Becoming able to plan, implement, and execute is incredibly Critical since in the corporate globe, Quite a few issues could trigger individuals to be ineffective, specifically when they procrastinate all the time. Leaders are dependable and take accountability for anything that requires the responsibilities offered to them by their superiors. They are constantly ?on the go,? complete of power and enthusiasm to get factors moving.

Top quality #four: Influence

Leaders have the capability to inspire and influence persons to comply with them. They can inspire and move folks to perform towards the very same target. This is quite Significant, if you are able to move a team to operate toward your target, you are going to get it. On the other hand, if men and women in the team are operating towards unique objectives, you are going to have a disorganized and disoriented group.

High quality #Five: Commitment

A single of the qualities that can definitely set leaders apart from the rest is their commitment. When productive leaders make a commitment, they stand by it no matter what. Though some of us will quickly give up when faced with hardships and challenges, a leader will face these head on devoid of signs of backing down. They know that they are perceived as function models of their team and they constantly do their top to set a excellent example by staying committed to their goals and objectives.

If you can practice the abovementioned qualitites in your every day activities more than time, you are going to possess them. It is just a matter of time. So, if you desire to be an prosperous leader, you ought to create these qualities in your life and make them to be part of your habit.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Conventional Forensic Theory on Order of Bugs That Feast on Corpses Upended

Beetles might precede blowflies (not vice versa, as forensic entomology has long suggested), a finding that could change time of death and other calculations made by crime-scene investigators

MaggotsMaggots consume a pig carcass. Image: Erin Sims

When a human body calls it quits, it can take as few as 30 seconds for blowflies to begin feasting on it. For the next several hours to days, a carnival of blowflies, other flies and beetles make the departed their personal bed-and-breakfasts. A determination of that succession of insects is one of the tools that crime-scene investigators (CSIs) use to estimate the postmortem interval (PMI), or the time elapsed since death.

Since the dawn of modern forensic science in the 19th century, the general belief has been that the order in which carrion-attending arthropods descend starts with blowflies, proceeds to maggots (from the fly eggs) and then moves on to beetles and other predators. Now a 27-year-old graduate student has determined that this is not always the case. Her research could represent a fly in the ointment (we could not resist) for the still burgeoning field of forensic entomology, in which scientists use bug evidence to help them solve crimes.

Entomologist Amanda Fujikawa of the University of Nebraska?Lincoln made her discovery while analyzing how the decomposition of mammal carcasses affects nearby ecosystems in Valentine National Wildlife Refuge in the Sandhills region in Nebraska, a unique prairie environment with grass-anchored sand dunes. She chose the area for its limited access. With only a few roads leading into the area, she was confident her experiments would not be interrupted. In late spring and midsummer, she placed dead rabbits and roadkill in various areas around the refuge and then set up traps to collect carrion insects as they were attracted to the carcasses. She soon noticed that beetles led the parade, not flies.

"It's too early to say if it's a game changer, as it could just be a geographic anomaly,? Fujikawa says, but "the fact we saw it and don't know why is most important." Fujikawa?s optimism that the research is noteworthy is shared by biologist Jeffrey D. Wells of Florida International University, who was not involved in the research. "It's quite a surprise from the standpoint of carrion ecology," he says. "This is the first example I've seen of carrion beetles behaving according to a different physical scale compared to the typical pattern. Carrion beetles, burying beetles in particular, often win the race to find and monopolize a very small mammal carcass such as a mouse. I've never seen this happen with a rabbit or larger dead mammal. For the forensic entomologist, this raises the possibility that beetles can delay or even eliminate the typical pattern of fly maggots on a corpse. One danger is that if this goes unrecognized, the entomologist might significantly underestimate the time since death."

Fujikawa's advisor Leon Higley, an insect ecologist, echoes this sentiment. "Amanda's work shows there's a lot more variability in insect succession issues" than previously thought, he says. "She is shaping our perceptions of how events actually occur with regard to decomposition."

The evidence also suggests that some postmortem interval estimates may be wrong. There is still much to learn and confirm in the discipline, Fujikawa says, adding: "We still don?t have a basic understanding of the biology of maggot development on a carcass: how they respire, how their role in decomposition affects the ecosystem and what they are doing when they are not feeding."

Fujikawa is starting to fill in some of the field's blanks. Her master's thesis demonstrated that adult blowflies can alter the morphology of blood stains at crime scenes. When flies feed on blood, they change the dispersal pattern of the original pool. In addition, they may regurgitate the blood and defecate in a different location. If crime-scene investigators do not know what those little critters are up to, they might interpret a stain as part of the blood spatter when, in fact, it is insect regurgitation and defecation. This could lead them to make false assumptions relating to the scene and crime itself, such as angles and trajectories associated with the death.


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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Phillies win, continue wild-card push


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 7:57 p.m. ET Sept. 12, 2012

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Jimmy Rollins swigged champagne after winning a division title, went wild when the Phillies won the National League pennant, and took a ride on that unforgettable parade down the heart of Philadelphia after a World Series championship.

The Phillies have done it all the last five years.

Well, except win a wild card berth.

Rollins connected on a two-run homer and Cliff Lee pitched seven strong innings to lead the streaking Phillies to their seventh straight win, 3-1 over the Miami Marlins on Wednesday.

The second NL wild-card spot is firmly in sight for the Phillies with 19 games remaining.

"We're in it," manager Charlie Manuel said. "We're dead in it pretty good."

Oh yes, they are. And they show no signs of slowing down.

The Phillies continued their late push with a three-game sweep of the Marlins. Up next for the Phillies, four games in Houston against the NL-worst Astros. Then it's three games in New York against the going-nowhere Mets.

Philadelphia pulled within three games of St. Louis for the second wild card after the Cardinals lost 3-2 in San Diego.

The Phillies (72-71) are on a season-best winning streak and have won 15 of 19 to move over .500 for the first time since they were 28-27 on June 3.

"If we can continue to play the way we have since the All-Star break, we have a pretty good chance," Lee said.

The clubhouse TVs had on a pair of games that will shape the NL wild-card race: St. Louis at San Diego and Pittsburgh at Cincinnati.

The Phillies will have to at least get past the Cardinals and Pirates, two fading teams, to snag a postseason spot.

This September has a familiar feel from 2007 when the Phillies trailed the Mets by seven games with 17 to play. The Mets collapsed and the Phillies would win their first division title since 1993.

With Manuel calmly leading the way, the Phillies haven't skipped a postseason since, winning the World Series in 2008.

"We're in it pretty good," Manuel said.

Phillippe Aumont worked a scoreless eighth and Jonathan Papelbon completed the four-hitter with his 34th save. Papelbon fanned Gorkys Hernandez with two runners on to end it.

The five-time defending NL East champions have made an amazing run since they seemed out of contention at 37-51 on July 13. Fueled by a rotation that has found its groove, and unexpected contributions from role players, the Phillies have become one of the hottest teams in baseball.

Their 15-4 record since Aug. 23 is the best in the National League and they are 21-8 in their last 29 home games.

Josh Johnson (8-12) did his best to shut down the Phillies early, taking a no-hitter and a 1-0 lead into the sixth.

Rollins led off the inning with a single, advanced to second on a sacrifice and scored on John Mayberry Jr.'s two-out single to center.

With Ryan Howard and Chase Utley slumping, the Phillies have relied on clutch hits from unheralded players like Mayberry during this recent streak. Mayberry beat Colorado on Sunday with the winning single in the ninth inning.

But it's the stars like Rollins, who declined to talk to the media, who still need to shine during the stretch drive.

Lee (5-7) seemed headed toward a tough luck no-decision until the offense came through with timely hits in the seventh.

Pinch hitting for Lee, Pete Orr hit a two-out single. Rollins followed with his 19th homer, a two-run shot to right, that sent the late-afternoon crowd into a frenzy and gave the Phillies a 3-1 lead.

With little expected at the start of September, the Phillies are playing loose and having fun.

"Nobody's saying we've got to win 20 in a row," Orr said.

Lee struck out the side in the fourth inning and fanned Hernandez to open the fifth. He tossed four-hit ball and struck out six in seven innings to earn only his second home victory of the season.

Lee has regained his Cy Young form after making 13 starts to open the season without a win. He also had a stint on the disabled list and even had a 10-inning scoreless outing wasted against San Francisco when the Giants won 1-0 in the 11th.

"It's their pitching, that's how they're back in it," Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen said.

Lee allowed only an unearned run in the sixth after two straight Marlins batters reached on errors.

Rollins, who leads all NL shortstops in fielding percentage, booted Donovan Solo's grounder. Jose Reyes hit a one-hopper that Lee snagged wide of the mound, whirled around and threw wide to second for an error. Carlos Lee followed two batters later with an RBI single to right for the 1-0 lead.

That's the kind of sloppy play that might have done in the Phillies before the All-Star break.

Not this month.

Notes: The Phillies are on their longest winning streak since a nine-game run from July 29-Aug. 6, 2011. ... Philadelphia's starting pitchers are 15-5 over the last 28 games. ... The Marlins head home to start a three-game series with the Reds. ... Marlins RF Justin Ruggiano was ejected in the second inning for arguing balls and strikes.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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DeMarco's Mailbag: It's nice that the Red Sox now have payroll flexibility, but Boston has much work to do before becoming a contender again ? think 2014 at the earliest.


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Sharp further cuts bonuses and salaries to stay above water, save $180 million

Sharp HQSharp is already in full-on belt-tightening mode, and it's not just cutting jobs to keep its staffing costs in line with shrinking finances. The sinking tech giant is doubling the size of executives' salary cuts to 10 percent for a year-long period, all the while slashing planned 2013 bonuses to half of what they were in June. Sadly, everyday workers will have to take some of the same medicine. They're facing similar bonus cuts and will have to take a 7 percent drop in salary for the same year. Between these steps and cuts to extras like travel allowances, Sharp hopes to save ¥14 billion in the current fiscal year, or about $180 million -- a small amount next to the $2 billion in credit the company just recently obtained, but also a sign of just how much penny-pinching is involved in keeping the corporate ship afloat. Let's hope the sacrifice pays off.

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Sharp further cuts bonuses and salaries to stay above water, save $180 million originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 01:15:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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MacFarlane is guest host as 'SNL' starts season

This Sept. 11, 2012 photo provided by NBC shows Kenan Thompson, left, and host Seth MacFarlane on the set of "Saturday Night Live" in New York. MacFarlane is hosting SNL's season premiere on Saturday, Sept. 15, with musical guest Frank Ocean. (AP Photo/NBC, Dana Edelson)

This Sept. 11, 2012 photo provided by NBC shows Kenan Thompson, left, and host Seth MacFarlane on the set of "Saturday Night Live" in New York. MacFarlane is hosting SNL's season premiere on Saturday, Sept. 15, with musical guest Frank Ocean. (AP Photo/NBC, Dana Edelson)

(AP) ? You might think Seth MacFarlane has a show-biz bucket list.

By now, he's checked off ventures like his animated TV shows (led by "Family Guy"), his recording of show tunes, live performances at Carnegie Hall and this summer's film comedy, "Ted," which he directed, wrote and provided the title character's voice for.

Now MacFarlane will serve as guest host this week for the season premiere of NBC's "Saturday Night Live."

Was this just the next gig on his to-do list?

"Not exactly," MacFarlane said Tuesday. "When things come up, I tackle them if they sound fun. That's how I decide what to do and what not to do. It's what sounds like it's going to be a good time."

But there's another reason he was reporting to Studio 8H.

"They asked me," he explained. "It's the kind of thing you don't say 'no' to if you're in comedy."

For a multimedia comedy impresario, MacFarlane might not seem ideally suited to "SNL," where he is being treated warmly, but not in his customary role as the boss.

"It's always a nice break to NOT be the guy in charge," he insisted. And with his edition of "SNL" being polished off in just a week, the routine should prove a refreshing change, too. "It's the complete antithesis of the nine months it takes us to do one episode of an animated series."

While MacFarlane arrived Monday with a few sketch ideas, "this is a large writing staff that's well equipped to do what they do," he pointed out. "I sat in on a pitch where writers threw out a bunch of one-line sketch ideas, and there were a lot of hilarious ones. There's no shortage of fresh stuff."

But along with comedy, will the silver-throated MacFarlane sing a song on the show?

"Possibly," he said. "But it's too soon to tell."

As the series begins its 38th season (Saturday at 11:30 p.m. EDT), MacFarlane will be sharing the bill with musical guest Frank Ocean. Meanwhile, Aidy Bryant, Tim Robinson and Cecily Strong will be joining the troupe as featured players.

But absent from the scene will be veteran cast members Kristen Wiig and Andy Samberg, as well as Abby Elliott.

Not a problem, said MacFarlane from his insider's perspective.

"The coming and going of cast members is something the show has rolled with for decades," he noted, "so I think they're pretty well disposed to deal with that. They seem pretty excited to get started with a new group."

Looking beyond Saturday, MacFarlane said future projects he'd like to do include another film and even maybe an on-camera acting role.

"We'll see if this weekend is a disaster or not," he hedged. "But I do like trying things I haven't tried before. It kind of gets the blood going."

But what about the threat of a butterflies attack when airtime gets here on Saturday?

MacFarlane laughed, then cracked, "Aren't there drugs that can get rid of the butterflies these days?"



Associated Press


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HBT: Valentine plans to manage Red Sox in '13

Last week Bobby Valentine made headlines for saying he wanted to punch WEEI radio host Glenn Ordway following what the Red Sox manager thought was an obnoxious question.

Valentine was back on WEEI and Ordway?s show this afternoon and jokingly brought boxing gloves to the studio.

In addition to proving (or at least attempting to show) that he?s a good sport Valentine also said he plans to manage the Red Sox in 2013 ?and beyond? amid speculation that he?ll be fired after the season.

Here?s the full quote, via Paul Flannery of

It?s not up to me, but I think I will be, yeah. And beyond. Why would I say that I want to be here for 2013 as though that?s going to be the end of something? That will be the continuation and hopefully the beginning of something really special. Why would I think it?s going to be a year?s job?

Well, for starters because Valentine?s contract has one more year on it. But whatever.

He was also asked about Kevin Youkilis being traded to the White Sox following a reported feud with Valentine and noted that Youkilis? batting average hasn?t risen since the deal, saying: ?I just want to point out that I?m not the reason he was batting .238.?

That?s technically true. Youkils had a .233 batting average for the Red Sox and has a .234 batting average for the White Sox. Of course, his OPS has risen 100 points since the trade and he?s homered 12 times in 61 games for Chicago.

There?s more potentially quotable stuff from the radio interview, but I?m just about Valentine?d out.


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Friday, September 7, 2012

Top 15 Most Popular Healthcare Websites ? kelpbeds

Working to improve your website?s content strategy? The right links can make a big difference for your Biotech Brand. Here are the 15 most heavily traveled healthcare websites based on traffic from a global and national rank.?

1. Yahoo! Health
Medical dictionary, disease symptoms and treatments, resources for?healthy?living, and information on drugs and medicines.
21,500,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

2. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The nation?s medical research agency?making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.
20,000,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

3. Web MD
Provides credible health information and a supportive community.
19,500,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

4. Medicine Net
Doctor-produced health and?medical?information written to enable visitors to make informed decisions about health concerns.
10,500,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

5. Mayo Clinic
Clinical experts at Mayo provide current medical information and news on health topics.
7,000,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

6. Drugs
Prescription?drug?information and news for professionals and consumers. Drug?database enables users to search for comprehensive prescription and patient information.
6,000,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

7. Everyday Health
Information and news on depression, digestive?health, diabetes, breast cancer, cardiovascular?health and more.
5,700,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

8. MedHelp
Find a doctor to answer your medical questions, or find health information from their health communities.
4,600,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

9. HealthGrades
Develops and markets quality and safety ratings of health care providers, including hospitals, nursing homes, physicians and dentists.
4,200,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

10. RealAge
Offers an online health assessment and the latest health tips to help you lead a longer, stronger, happier life.
4,000,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

11. WellSphere
A free online community where regular people, enthusiasts and professionals can connect, inspire and educate each other about health and fitness.
3,900,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

12. BetterMedicine
Find solutions and medical insights on thousands of health conditions, diseases, and symptoms.
3,000,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

13. RxList
Medications, prescription drug information, pill identifier and pharmacy locator (24 hr pharmacies) for consumers and medical health professionals.
2,400,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

14. Healthline
Provides trusted health information, free tools, news and doctor-reviewed resources to encourage healthy living.
1,900,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

15. Prevention
Promotes healthy living with trustworthy tips and advice on health, nutrition, fitness, anti-aging beauty, weight loss, and recipes from the experts at?Prevention Magazine.
1,150,000 Estimated Monthly Visitors

Click here to read the original listing of top healthcare websites.

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Voyager 1: reports of my exit are greatly exaggerated

It launched 35 years ago today, but the most distant spacecraft from Earth is stubbornly refusing to leave home turf. NASA's Voyager 1 has seemed on the verge of exiting our solar system for years, but new results suggest that it still has a way to go before it enters interstellar space.

The latest readings from one of the spacecraft's instruments show that charged particles around Voyager 1 aren't changing direction the way they should at the heliopause, the boundary between the sun's sphere of influence and the rest of the galaxy.

This could be a sign that the craft won't leave the solar system for up to 15 years, by which time it is expected to have run out of the power needed to communicate with Earth.

The solar system sits in a huge magnetic bubble. Solar wind containing charged particles flows outwards from the sun, only to get bent around by the magnetic field, at the heliopause.

Acrobatic turn

In 2005, Voyager 1 entered the heliosheath ? the outer layer of the boundary ? where the solar wind abruptly slows to a crawl. Then in 2010, readings indicated that Voyager 1 was near the heliopause because the speed of the solar wind's outward flow dropped to zero.

But those measurements could not show whether the particles were in the process of changing direction to follow the curve of the heliopause. Getting the full picture meant turning the ageing spacecraft into an acrobat.

Beginning in 2011, mission managers commanded Voyager 1 to carry out a set of rolls, in which it rotated 70 degrees and held that orientation before returning to its previous orientation. The craft carried out a set of rolls, each lasting a few hours, once every other month for five months.

"Rolling the craft like that was an amazing thing to do," says Voyager scientist Robert Decker. "It's a tricky manoeuvre for such an old spacecraft."

To the team's surprise, the data showed little to no change in the wind's direction.

Thick shell

If Voyager isn't at the heliopause, where is it? No one disputes its absolute location ? about 122 times as far away from the sun as the Earth is (122 astronomical units) ? but ideas are mixed about where the craft lies in relation to the heliopause.

Decker reckons the craft is in a transition zone not accounted for in current models of the heliosheath. He is not sure how big this region is, but based on Voyager 1's readings of fluctuations in charged particles called cosmic rays, Decker stands by the popular idea that Voyager 1 could cross the heliopause by 2014 ? perhaps even sooner.

Gary Zank of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, however, points out that the new, highly detailed measurements reveal very tiny flow changes. These were predicted by models of the solar wind which date back to 1997 and that specify a thicker outer shell for the solar bubble. This could keep Voyager 1 inside the solar system for another 10 to 15 years, he says.

If Zank is right, we may never get word of the crossing ? optimistic estimates say the spacecraft's power supply is due to run out in 2025.

Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature11441

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3 Keys to Self Improvement and Motivation

When you engage in real self improvement, you will be motivated in moving forward faster. Self improvement is a process that gets right to the heart of who you are, to discover your best self, and the life that will make you glow from the inside, out.

However, have you ever tried to figure out what changes you want to make, but experienced confusion or felt defeated while you were still trying to figure it out? I know you have good intentions, but thinking and talking about what you need to do is not going to make you successful. It?s all in your actions.

Self Improvement is an art that?s as varied as the people who engage in it. What you choose to work on, will be unique to you.

By saying that, here are the three keys to self improvement and motivation, you may find them helpful.

1. Inspiration

Inspiration is critical for staying motivated and improving oneself. If you are not interested in your business, your motivation level will never be high and you will not be able to sustain interest for very long.

motivation and self improvement Take an honest look at your inspiration level, ask yourself ? are you excited about going to work every morning or is it an obligation? You would be surprised at the number of people who choose a business that looks good on paper, but in reality does not interest them at all.

These individuals will grow weary and lost the interest in what they do quickly, because when the difficult time come, they will have no inspiration or passion to sustain their need.

If you do not like your work, then think how you can re-focus on what you do, find the one that better match with your need. Or consider making a change entirely. Without inspiration, you will not get motivated, even you try self improvement.

2. Setting Goals

Short and long-term goal setting is vital for any individual. If you do not set goals, you would have no definite purpose on which path of self improvement to take.

How could you possibly be motivated if you were unsure about the direction of your future?

Take the time to put your goals in writing. If you run your own business, a business plan may sound daunting, but it is really nothing more than goals, strategies, implementation and a budget. Write your own business plan and update it annually.

Also includes ?mini-goals?, which can be accomplished in a matter of hours, days or weeks as well as the more ambitious ?grand-goals? in which may take years to complete. Refer to this plan throughout the year.

But can a business plan really help motivate you? Of course. Written goals will make you feel more professional and certainly more connected to your business. It will also free you from having to reinvent your business goals every single day.

3. Networking

Another key factor in getting and staying motivated is networking with other similar minded people, either they are your business associate or small business owners. You will gain many benefits from meeting more and know more new people since there no single person knows all the things and have all the knowledge.

However, let?s face the fact ? when a number of people begin working together, the challenges will be there waiting to be conquered.

What I mean is if you are an entrepreneur who just started the new adventure, the isolation of working alone is the most difficult part you have to face, you can never be on your way to self improvement without the help of others because mutual support is motivating.

So make it easier on yourself, connecting with others, either in your community or online. Even when businesses are not related, you will often find common ground and ways to work together.

Many successful entrepreneurs report that finding the right networking group was a turning point in the growth of their business. Working together, a networking group can help its members generate more qualified leads, solve problems faster and more efficiently.

Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is also an invaluable aspect of motivation and self improvement.

With your networking team to rely on, you can accomplish more in less time and probably have more fun in the process. When you know you are not alone, you will feel more motivated to accomplish whatever the goals you set up.

Remember, when you?re actively improving yourself, you?re focusing on putting something positive in place. When you focus on putting something positive in place, eliminating negative things will follow more naturally.


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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Basic Website Hosting Possibilities To Take Into Consideration ...

Everybody knows the popular conversion from human a long time to puppy ages. For each and every among our several years, a canine ages 7 several years. How about online site and technologies? It?s turn out to be extremely apparent that internet sites and technological know-how variations on the once a month foundation. It appears like each thirty day period you can find a whole new update to Firefox, or perhaps new craze while in the net society. Therefore the query available on the market is? the number of website many years is the same as a person calendar 12 months?

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