Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Minute With: Rapper RZA putting on "Iron Fists" for new movie

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Rapper and music producer RZA is best known as the leader of the hip-hop group the Wu-Tang Clan which also includes such popular members as Method Man, Ghostface Killah and the late Ol' Dirty Bastard.

RZA branched out into film, taking on small acting roles and scoring music, including the soundtrack for Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill: Vol. 1."

Now, nearly a decade later, 43-year-old RZA has combined his childhood love of martial arts movies to co-write with Eli Roth the feature film "The Man With the Iron Fists," which he also directs and acts in the title role.

Shot on location in China, and co-starring Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu, Iron Fists is set during the 19th century and sees several groups of warriors and assassins descend on a village in search of gold. The quiet and unassuming local blacksmith (RZA) ends up being the village defender.

RZA, whose real name is Robert Fitzgerald Diggs, sat down with Reuters in Hollywood to talk about the film and the future of the Wu-Tang Clan.

Q: You had to pull double duty, working simultaneously in front and behind the camera. How did you balance that?

A: "My spirit had to be extra strong to pull this off. It was difficult because in the morning (as the director) I'm worrying about everybody else, I'm talking fast. Then I have to get ready for the scene and I gotta sync my voice down to this guy. I gotta sync my spirit to him. He doesn't smile once in the film. I smile. I'm not this morbid dude. He's almost empty."

Q: This is your biggest acting role to date. What did you learn as an actor?

A: "The thing about playing him that I could attest to as an actor was that I was lonely in China. I was personally lonely. And I think that shows on screen (in the character)."

Q: You're in an exotic location with Russell Crowe and some of the biggest names in martial arts. How could you be lonely?

A: "I had no love, yo. You know what I mean? Going into a massage parlor is not gonna give you no love. I was yearning for it. For a brief minute there, I learned why actors fall in love with their co-stars."

Q: How's that?

A: "Because the only girl I had was (co-star/love interest) Jamie Chung. We all went out one night after shooting and Jamie had a guy friend with her. I looked over and I was so jealous. I felt weird. I told my buddy, 'I'm about to punch this guy in the face!' In that moment, I just felt that she was my woman. And the sad thing for me is, it would have been a one way street because she wasn't interested in me at all."

Q: Looking back on your first experience directing a studio movie, what do you think?

A: "It was hard work. It was 18 hour days. It was cold. The food was terrible sometimes and the language was an issue. But I kept it fun. I didn't let nothing deter me from this path. I'm grateful and happy I had a chance to learn this craft and express it. I feel that out of everything I do as an artist - I make music, I write lyrics, I'm into fashion and clothing - filmmaking is the perfect medium and accumulates it all. I found what I should be doing. I matured into being this kind of person."

Q: So many members of the Wu-Tang Clan are doing their own thing. Will you be assembling again soon for another album?

A: "Only time will tell. For now, I will say Iron Fists is Wu-Tang. We have all the members participating on the soundtrack. And if you look closely, you'll notice that when (Rick Yune's character) needs a second suit of knives, there are W's on that second suit. You gotta look closely though. So the Wu-Tang is there. I made it subtly into the film so fans can enjoy it and feel the energy."

Q: Some groups have their time in the spotlight and disappear. Others manage to evolve and stay relevant. Where is Wu-Tang at?

A: "To me, film is the medium that Wu-Tang needs to be at. I don't think Wu-Tang needs to be in clubs while we gettin' drunk and dancing. We need to be in theaters now where we sitting with our families and really appreciating our childhood in a different way. This is the reason why (movies like) 'Iron Man', 'Captain America', 'Thor', 'The Avengers' all work. Because we are adults who read comics and now we want our children to understand what we love."

Q: So Iron Fists is the beginning of that for Wu-Tang - having others understand and appreciate the martial arts you all love?

A: "If Iron Fists goes over well and people accept it, we got great ideas for part two already. We've got a great sequel for all the characters and back stories that are so remarkable."

Q: Sounds like you're creating your own Marvel universe in a sense.

A: "Essentially, yes."

(Reporting by Zorianna Kit, editing by Jill Serjeant)


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Keep Walking To Keep Obesity At BayYour Health Journal | Your ...

From The Times Of India?..

More and more Indians are using cars to travel distances which are short enough to walk. A survey of 13 countries have found that 13% Indian men and 15% women use vehicles for trips that could be covered by foot.

In countries like the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Saudi Arabia, this figure, however, rises to around one-in-five. Globally, the number of people walking is in decline.

The study says that rising car ownership in India is discouraging walking, while in China the reduction in walking has seen an increase in obesity levels among drivers.

The proportion of children walking or cycling to school fell from 48% to 13% between 1969 and 2009 in the US, and from 62% to 50% between 1989 and 2004 among primary-school children in the UK.

Doctors say walking just an extra 15 minutes a day can extend human life by up to three years. A recent study of 400,000 people found that every additional 15 minutes of daily exercise such as brisk walking reduced premature death rates by a further 4%.

Even slow walking burns around 114 calories per mile for someone weighing 91kg. Researchers in US have found that each extra km walked per day was associated with a 4.8% reduction in an individual?s probability of becoming obese, whereas each hour spent driving was linked to a 6% increase in an individual?s probability of becoming obese.

The study by Max Bupa says, ?Cars are often used for very short journeys that could be walked. In the US, cars are used for 55% of trips of one-third of a mile (half a km) in length and 85% of trips that are two-thirds of a mile (1 km) in length. A car journey of one mile (1.6 km) emits around 574g of carbon dioxide ? twice as much as the average emission of 287g of carbon dioxide per mile on longer journeys.?

To read the full story?..Click here


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Real Housewives of New York City: Reunion Part One


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News Summary: Chevron expects earnings drop in 3Q


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Real Estate Quickly Sold - Curbed SF

Monday, October 8, 2012, by Sally Kuchar

400635_2.jpeg3135 Sacramento in Pacific Heights is a 3-bed, 3-bath, 2,045 sq. ft. condo that plopped on the market on September 6th asking $1,695,000. The home combines modern amenities like stainless steel appliances and recessed lighting with the building's original Victorian details. The home went into contract a few weeks after being on the market, and less than a month after being listed it sold for $211,000 over asking at $1,906,000. [Redfin]


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3 Activities to Help Instill a Healthy Self-Image in Your Child | Code ...

October 9th, 2012 by Dionna | Leave a comment
Posted in Adults, Carnival and Special Series, Carnival of Natural Parenting, Children, Eclectic Learning, Healthy Living, natural parenting, Preschoolers, Teens, Toddlers

Welcome to the October 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Instilling a Healthy Self-Image

This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have shared confessions, wisdom, and goals for helping children love who they are. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.


I stumbled across this picture of and quote by Kate Winslet while scrolling through Facebook, and it resonated with me:

?As a child, I never heard one woman say to me, ?I love my body.? Not my mother, my elder sister, my best friend. No one woman has ever said, ?I am so proud of my body.? So I make sure to say it to Mia, because a positive physical outlook has to start at an early age.?

It is true for me, too. I don?t think I?ve ever heard any of my female friends or family members say that they love their bodies.

How sad, when we spend so much damned time taking care of our bodies, working to ?improve? them, clothing and decorating them, and growing and nourishing babies with them.

I?ve heard plenty of women griping about their bodies (myself included), but not celebrating them.

And I do not want the same thing for my daughter. Or for my son, for that matter. I want my children to love themselves inside and out. I also want them to be able to appreciate the bodies and humanness of others, regardless of size, shape, color, etc.

In researching something to share for this Carnival, I started a Pinterest board on instilling a healthy self-image in children. I invite you to check it out and see if any of the links are helpful for you. Below are a few of my favorite ideas, and a self-affirmation image that I created for this post.

3 Activities to Help Instill a Healthy Self-Image in Your Child

1. Explore the history of body ideals.

Take some time to learn about how body ideals change over time and across cultures. Here are some links to get you started:

Beauty Around the World

Beauty Ideals around the World

The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls

The Female Body in Mass Media: What the Research Says

Olympic Bodies: They Just Don?t Make Them Like They Used To

The World Has Curves ? Countries Where Beauty Isn?t Stick-Thin

Talk about other ways bodies can be beautiful. What would the world look like if our culture valued bodies with bright colors, or incredibly unique hair styles?

2. Make positive affirmations routine.

Love your children just the way they are, and tell them you do. Put special emphasis on their innate qualities, but also tell them they are beautiful. Let them see and hear you being proud of your own body and self. As Kate Wicker advised, ?help your children to learn to appreciate the diversity of the human race and that beauty is something we all possess. When we start seeing all people through a lens of love, we will see them as nothing less than lovely.? Start at home ? love each other unconditionally. Here are some affirmations you might like:

I love you just the way you are.

I love myself for who I am.

We feel good when we make healthy choices.

I can see beauty in everyone I meet.

Tape your affirmations onto mirrors, doors, dining room chairs. If you and your children are feeling so inspired, incorporate affirmations into artwork to display.

Let your kids come up with affirmations, too. Share them here, if you remember!

3. Create self-image collages.

I love this idea from Reviewed by Rach entitled Self-Image Awareness. She created a collage using photos of her daughter, and she added several descriptive words her daughter chose (?funny, smart, strong?).

But you don?t need to create anything as fancy as Rachel?s. Simply find a photo of your child or have her draw herself. Ask her to describe herself positively. Write her words around her picture, or use letters cut from magazines to make the words. Do the same for yourself, so your child can see that you are proud of your amazing attributes as well.

How do you help your children develop healthy self-images?


Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: MamaVisit Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama to find out how you can participate in the next Carnival of Natural Parenting!

Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:

(This list will be updated by afternoon October 9 with all the carnival links.)

  • Why I Walk Around Naked ? Meegs at A New Day talks about how she embraces her own body so that her daughter might embrace hers.
  • What I Am Is Not Who I Am ? Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama discusses her views on the importance of modeling WHO she is for her daughter and not WHAT she sees in the mirror.
  • Carnival of Natural Parenting: Verbs vs. Adjectives ? Alisha at Cinnamon & Sassafras tries hard to compliment what her son does, not who he is.
  • The Naked Family ? Sam at Love Parenting talks about how nudity and bodily functions are approached in her home.
  • How She?ll See Herself ? Rosemary at Rosmarinus Officinalis discusses some of the challenges of raising a daughter in our culture and how she?s hoping to overcome them.
  • Self Esteem and all it?s pretty analogies ? Musings from Laura at Pug in the Kitchen on what she learned about self-esteem in her own life and how it applies to her parenting.
  • Beautiful ? Tree at Mom Grooves writes about giving her daughter the wisdom to appreciate her body and how trying to be a role model taught Tree how to appreciate her own.
  • Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Nurturing A Healthy Body Image ? Christy at Eco Journey in the Burbs is changing perceptions about her body so that she may model living life with a positive, healthy body image for her three young daughters.
  • Some{BODY} to Love ? Kate Wicker has faced her own inner demons when it comes to a poor body image and even a clinical eating disorder, and now she wants to help her daughters to be strong in a world that constantly puts girls at risk for losing their true selves. This is Kate?s love letter to her daughters reminding them to not only accept their bodies but to accept themselves as well in every changing season of life.
  • They Make Creams For That, You Know ? Destany at They Are All of Me writes about celebrating her natural beauty traits, especially the ones she passed onto her children.
  • New Shoes for Mama ? Kellie of Our Mindful Life, guest posting at Natural Parents Network, is getting some new shoes, even though she is all grown up?
  • Raising boys with bodily integrity ? Lauren at Hobo Mama wants her boys to understand their own bodily autonomy ? so they?ll respect their own and others?.
  • Sowing seeds of self-love in our children ? After struggling to love herself despite growing up in a loving family, Shonnie at Heart-Led Parenting has suggestions for parents who truly want to nurture their children?s self-esteem.
  • Subtle Ways to Build a Healthy Self-Image ? Emily at S.A.H.M i AM discusses the little things she and her husband do every day to help their daughter cultivate a healthy self-image.
  • On Barbie and Baby Bikinis: The Sexualization of Young Girls ? Justine at The Lone Home Ranger finds it difficult to keep out the influx of messages aimed at her young daughters that being sexy is important.
  • Undistorted ? Focusing on the beauty and goodness that her children hold, Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children watches them grow, loved and undistorted.
  • Off The Hook ? Arpita at Up, Down and Natural sheds light on the journey of infertility, and how the inability to get pregnant and stay pregnant takes a toll on self image?only if you let it. And that sometimes, it feels fantastic to just let yourself off the hook.
  • Going Beyond Being An Example ? Becky at Old New Legacy discusses three suggestions on instilling healthy body image: positivity, family dinners, and productivity.
  • Raising a Confident Kid ? aNonymous at Radical Ramblings describes the ways she?s trying to raise a confident daughter and to instil a healthy attitude to appearance and self-image.
  • Instilling a Healthy Self Image ? Laura at This Mama?s Madness hopes to promote a healthy self-image in her kids by treating herself and others with respect, honesty, and grace.
  • Stories of our Uniqueness ? Casey at Sesame Seed Designs looks for a connection to the past and celebrates the stories our bodies can tell about the present.
  • Helping My Boy Build a Healthy Body Image ? Lyndsay at ourfeminist{play}school offers readers a collection of tips and activities that she uses in her journey to helping her 3-year-old son shape a healthy body image.
  • Eat with Joy and Thankfulness: A Letter to my Daughters about Food ? Megan at The Boho Mama writes a letter to her daughters about body image and healthy attitudes towards food.
  • Helping Our Children Have Healthy Body Images ? Deb Chitwood at Living Montessori Now shares information about body image, and her now-adult daughter tells how she kept a healthy body image through years of ballet and competitive figure skating.
  • Namaste ? Kat at Loving {Almost} Every Moment shares how at barely 6 years old, her daughter has begun to say, ?I?m not beautiful.? And while it?s hard to listen to, she also sees it as a sign her daughter is building her self-image in a grassroots kind of way.
  • 3 Activities to Help Instill a Healthy Self-Image in Your Child ? Explore the changing ideals of beauty, create positive affirmations, and design a self-image awareness collage. Dionna at Code Name: Mama shares these 3 ideas + a pretty affirmation graphic you can print and slip in your child?s lunchbox.
  • Beautiful, Inside and Out ? It took a case of adult-onset acne for Kat of MomeeeZen to find out her parenting efforts have resulted in a daughter that is truly beautiful, inside and out.
  • Mirroring Positive Self Image for Toddlers ? Shannon at GrowingSlower reflects on encouraging positive self image in even the youngest members of the family.
  • How I hope to instill a healthy body image in my two girls ? Raising daughters with healthy body image in today?s society is no small task, but Xela at The Happy Hippie Homemaker shares how choosing our words carefully and being an example can help our children learn to love their bodies.
  • Self Image has to Come from Within ? Momma Jorje shares all of the little things she does to encourage healthy attitudes in her children, but realizes she can?t give them their self images.
  • Protecting the Gift ? JW from True Confessions of a Real Mommy wants you to stop thinking you need to boost your child up: they think they are wonderful all on their own.
  • Learning to Love Myself, for my Daughter ? Michelle at Ramblings of Mitzy addresses her own poor self-image.
  • Nurturing An Innate Sense of Self ? Marisa at Deliberate Parenting shares her efforts to preserve the confidence and healthy sense of self they were born with.
  • Don?t You Love Me, Mommy?: Instilling Self-Esteem in Young Children After New Siblings Arrive ? Jade at Seeing Through Jade Glass But Dimly hopes that her daughter will learn to value herself as an individual rather than just Momma?s baby
  • Exercising is FUN ? Amy W. at Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work talks about modeling for her children that exercising is FUN and good for body and soul.
  • Poor Little Chicken ? Kenna at A Million Tiny Things gets her feathers ruffled over her daughter?s clothing anxiety.
  • Loving the skin she?s in ? Mama Pie at Downside Up and Outside In struggles with her little berry?s choice not to celebrate herself and her heritage.


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Monday, October 8, 2012


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Venezuela's Chavez revels in re-election victory

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez promised to deepen his socialist revolution after a comfortable election victory that could extend to 20 years his polarizing leadership of the South American OPEC nation.

Tens of thousands of ecstatic supporters thronged the streets around the presidential palace overnight, pumping fists in the air after the former soldier beat opposition candidate Henrique Capriles by 9 percentage points.

The new six-year term will let Chavez consolidate his control over Venezuela's economy, possibly by extending a wave of nationalizations, and continue his support for left-wing allies in Latin America and around the world.

"This has been the perfect battle, a democratic battle," Chavez thundered from the palace balcony late on Sunday, holding up a replica of the sword of independence hero Simon Bolivar.

"Venezuela will continue along the path of democratic and Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century."

It was an extraordinary victory for a leader who just a few months ago feared for his life as he struggled to recover from cancer. He won 54.4 percent of the vote, with 90 percent of the ballots counted, compared with 45 percent for Capriles.

Turnout was a record 80 percent of registered voters, boosting Chavez's democratic credentials despite critics' depiction of him as a dictator.

Supporters dripping with sweat strained to catch a glimpse of Chavez from the street below the palace while dancing and drinking rum. "Chavez, the people are with you!" they chanted.

"He will keep protecting the poor, the defenseless and the old," said teacher Gladys Montijo, 54, weeping with joy.

The victory was considerably slimmer than his win by 25 percentage points in 2006, reflecting growing frustration at his failure to fix problems such as crime, blackouts and corruption.


In a nod to those complaints, Chavez said he would be more focused in his new term beginning on January 10.

"Today we start a new cycle of government, in which we must respond with greater efficacy and efficiency to the needs of our people," he said. "I promise you I'll be a better president."

A retired lieutenant colonel who first won fame with a failed 1992 coup, Chavez has become Latin America's main anti-U.S. agitator, criticizing Washington while getting close to its adversaries, including Cuba, Syria and Iran.

A decade-long oil boom has given him tens of billions of dollars for social investments that range from free health clinics to new apartment complexes, helping him build a strong following among the poor.

Following his victory on Sunday, Chavez could order new nationalizations in some largely untouched corners of the economy, including the banking, food and health industries. He took advantage of his landslide win in 2006 to order takeovers in the telecoms, electricity and oil sectors.

But any recurrence of the pelvic cancer which has already forced him to undergo three operations in Havana since June 2011 could derail his plans.

Opposition leaders were crushed by the loss. It followed nearly a month of euphoria among Capriles supporters as the 40-year-old polished his stump speeches, held increasingly fervent rallies and appeared be to gaining ground in the polls.

"We are all hurt and sad but not disappointed. It was an incredible campaign," said housewife Teresa Perez, 51.

"Now I don't know what's going to happen with Chavez in power for six more years."

The youthful state governor put on a brave face, hailing his "house-by-house" campaign as the start of a long road to changing the direction of the country.

"I gave it my all and I'm proud of what we built," a subdued Capriles told supporters at his campaign headquarters.

"I will continue to work for Venezuela."


He and other leaders of the Democratic Unity coalition must now prepare for state governor elections in December, when they will hope at least to increase the opposition's influence. They were hugely disappointed at only winning a majority vote in three of Venezuela's 24 states on Sunday.

The U.S. State Department congratulated the Venezuelan people for the high turnout and generally peaceful voting.

"We believe that the views of the more than 6 million people who voted for the opposition should be taken into account going forward," said State Department spokesman William Ostick.

Though Capriles was indisputably the strongest candidate to face Chavez since the leftist leader was elected in 1998, few in the opposition thought the fight was fair.

Chavez made ample use of state television and spent 47 hours in "chain" broadcasts that force other local television stations to carry speeches peppered with political commentary.

He also handed out houses and pensions financed with state funds, often in ceremonies that glorified his administration, while warning that the opposition would cancel such programs.

The spending spree has weakened Venezuela's finances and may force a currency devaluation in early 2013, which would likely spur inflation that has been a top complaint among voters.

The election result is likely to prompt a sell-off in Venezuelan bonds, which have jumped in recent weeks on Wall Street optimism about a possible Capriles win.

"Going forward, we believe the market is likely to, as in recent years, continue to look at Venezuela as a gradually deteriorating macro story and trade it increasingly as an oil play," Goldman Sachs said in a research note.

Relations with Washington are also likely to remain on edge, though Venezuelan oil has continued to flow to the United States over the years despite diplomatic tensions.

(Additional reporting by Caracas bureau; Andrew Quinn in Washington; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne and Doina Chiacu)


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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Music festival fans go home happy - Sunshine Coast Daily

THE quality of the music was second to none and the ambience of sun, surf and soul lived up to the expectations of punters at the Caloundra Music Festival.

Brett Wortman

THE quality of the music was second to none and the ambience of sun, surf and soul lived up to the expectations of punters at the sixth annual Caloundra Music Festival.

But organiser Richie Eyles said it was the quirky elements, from the intimate Green Room gigs to the creation of a piano bar, that would stay with people forever.

More than 20,000 people poured through the gates during the three-day event.

Mr Eyles said ticket sales surpassed the record 18,000 set when Powderfinger performed to a sell-out crowd as part of their farewell tour in 2010.

Despite a crowd of more than 8000 on Saturday night for headline act John Butler Trio, Mr Eyles said police and security officers had not reported any incidents.

"I actually saw police dancing and smiling in the crowd. It's a great vibe when everyone can feel good together," he said.

"Watching John Butler Trio was just a surreal experience.

"He was playing a guitar solo and the audience was mesmerised and it was really quiet, it was a beautiful performance on a calm night and a sea of people, so that was a highlight for me."

One of Mr Eyles's "pet projects" was the Piano Bar, where a little jam session by a lone pianist soon turned into an impromptu collaboration of 10 that was large enough to rival the main stage acts.

Elements of the music festival and the inaugural Fringe Festival, which ran from September 21 to October 1, overlapped with great fanfare.

Busking Festival winners Hoo8Hoo and Juzzy Smith played to a crowd of more than 7000 on Sunday night just before headliners Noiseworks took to the stage.

The Green Room Unplugged allowed 100 lucky punters the chance to win an intimate audience with some of the festival's biggest names by being judged the best-dressed in photos taken by volunteers during the Fringe Festival.

Mr Eyles said now that the music festival had been "nailed", the "real future" lay with the Fringe Festival.

A small army of volunteers with a zero-dollar budget had pulled the Fringe Festival together, he said.



  • The 11-day Fringe Festival, in conjunction with the Caloundra Music Festival, delivered a wide range of free activities and performances
  • It was spread from Bulcock Beach through to Kings Beach


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Amnesty calls on Egypt to tackle legacy of abuse

FILE - In this Friday, Dec. 16, 2011 file photo, Egyptian army soldiers, background, arrest a woman protester during clashes near Cairo's downtown Tahrir Square, Egypt. Amnesty International warned Tuesday that the practice of impunity for Egyptian police and military continued even after regime change and Hosni Mubarak?s ouster, and urged the country?s newly elected leader to deal with this "bloody legacy" by bringing to justice those responsible for killing, maiming and abusing protesters. (AP Photo/Ahmed Ali, File)

FILE - In this Friday, Dec. 16, 2011 file photo, Egyptian army soldiers, background, arrest a woman protester during clashes near Cairo's downtown Tahrir Square, Egypt. Amnesty International warned Tuesday that the practice of impunity for Egyptian police and military continued even after regime change and Hosni Mubarak?s ouster, and urged the country?s newly elected leader to deal with this "bloody legacy" by bringing to justice those responsible for killing, maiming and abusing protesters. (AP Photo/Ahmed Ali, File)

FILE - In this Friday, May 4, 2012 file photo, a protester, right, waves a stick at Egyptian soldiers during clashes outside the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt. Amnesty International warned Tuesday that the practice of impunity for Egyptian police and military continued even after regime change and Hosni Mubarak?s ouster, and urged the country?s newly elected leader to deal with this "bloody legacy" by bringing to justice those responsible for killing, maiming and abusing protesters. (AP Photo/Ahmed Gomaa, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012 file photo, Egyptian protesters run during clashes with riot police, background, outside the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt. Amnesty International warned Tuesday that the practice of impunity for Egyptian police and military continued even after regime change and Hosni Mubarak?s ouster, and urged the country?s newly elected leader to deal with this "bloody legacy" by bringing to justice those responsible for killing, maiming and abusing protesters. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser, File)

FILE - In this Friday, Dec. 16, 2011 file photo, Egyptian army soldiers arrest a woman protester during clashes with military police near Cairo's downtown Tahrir Square. Amnesty International warned Tuesday that the practice of impunity for Egyptian police and military continued even after regime change and Hosni Mubarak?s ouster, and urged the country?s newly elected leader to deal with this "bloody legacy" by bringing to justice those responsible for killing, maiming and abusing protesters. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011 file photo, Two army soldiers run after Egyptian Coptic demonstrators by a burning civilian vehicle during cashes with Egyptian Army soldiers following a Copts demonstration in Cairo, Egypt. Amnesty International warned Tuesday that the practice of impunity for Egyptian police and military continued even after regime change and Hosni Mubarak?s ouster, and urged the country?s newly elected leader to deal with this "bloody legacy" by bringing to justice those responsible for killing, maiming and abusing protesters. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser, File)

(AP) ? Amnesty International on Tuesday took Egypt's new president to task for failing to address the "bloody legacy" of abuses by security forces committed under military rule after the fall of Hosni Mubarak, which continue even after the establishment of the country's first freely elected government.

The group urged President Mohammed Morsi to hold the military accountable for the killing, torture and sexual abuse of protesters during the 18 months when the generals held power after Mubarak's February 2011 ouster.

It also said Morsi should rein in police forces, which it said still use excessive force to deal with protests and have tortured detainees. It called for the government to allow U.N. experts to investigate and assess how to deal with the problems.

Unless there is a clear political will to confront this and to provide the families of the victims with truth and justice, things are not going to change," Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, deputy director for Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa Program, told The Associated Press.

"For the moment police officers, soldiers are confident that they can commit violations with impunity without ever having to answer for any of their acts," she said.

Two extensive reports released by the London-based human rights group in Cairo on Tuesday detailed cases of rights abuses by the army and police, focusing on six separate incidents of crackdowns on protests that killed at least 120 people. Amnesty said thousands of protesters were injured or maimed ? with documented cases of loss of eyesight ? during the crackdowns, and that detainees were tortured in custody.

Most of the crackdowns took place during the post-Mubarak period of rule by a council of generals, during which soldiers had a major role in keeping security inside the country. The military has largely backed down from that role ever since Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, was inaugurated at the end of June as the new president

But Morsi's failure to seek accountability from the police and military for those abuses has only fueled a culture of impunity that is allowing violations to continue, Amnesty warned. One of the Amnesty documented cases of violent crackdown by the police against protesters took place after Morsi came to power in August, in which one was killed.

Karim Ennarah, a researcher with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights who spoke at a press conference by Amnesty on Tuesday, said it appeared that police abuses are getting worse in the three months since Morsi came to power.

He cited the deaths of two people last month in the town of Meit Ghamr, outside Cairo. One was tortured in a police station, including being beaten in the head by a rifle butt, and then died before getting to a hospital. The second person was then killed when police opened fire with live ammunition on a crowd angered by the first man's death.

"The police is acting as if it is an armed gang. It lost control and is trying to regain it by resorting to excessive force," Ennarah said.

In its reports, Amnesty said the country's new leadership must "tackle the bloody legacy of official abuse and guarantee that no one is above the law in Egypt."

Security abuse and flagrant human rights violations were among the sparks that ignited the uprising against Mubarak. Thousands took to the streets initially to protest a young man's brutal death by police beating in 2010.

After Mubarak's regime was ousted in the popular uprising and the army took over, protesters increasingly denounced the military for its excessive use of force, for targeting women protesters, beatings and sexual abuse ? including the notorious "virginity tests" that female detainees were forced to go through after being taken into custody by soldiers.

Amnesty noted that at least 12,000 civilians, mainly protesters, have been tried before military tribunals while only three soldiers and a military doctor have faced a military court over abuse of authority. And only one security officer was brought to trial for killing and injuring protesters in one of the six documented cases.

"The only thing we have done (since the uprising) is lose our sons. That's it," said Mary Daniel, the sister of a protester killed last year during a military crackdown on rally. "We have gone from bad to worse."

Amnesty said the army's response to protests was "disproportionate," citing cases when live ammunition was fired as demonstrators lobbed stones or firebombs at the troops. It also cited incidents of army vehicles running down groups of protesters, in one case killing several demonstrators.

Amnesty quoted one protester, Wael Saber Bshay, whose brother was crushed by a military armored personnel carrier during an Oct. 9, 2011 protest that killed 27 people, mostly Coptic Christians.

"We were in a state of shock that the army, which is supposed to protect us ... attacked us," Bshay told Amnesty. "If we were in a state of war with an enemy, I don't think this would have happened."

The Amnesty report also documented that Egypt continued to receive deliveries of small arms and equipment from abroad, including from its largest supplier the United States, despite the violent crackdowns.

In one case, the report said, a U.S. shipment believed to contain tear gas was dispatched to Egypt on Oct. 13, 2011, just days after the protest by the Christians was crushed. Another shipment from the U.S. arrived days after a November protest in which nearly 50 people were killed, Amnesty reported.

The group said authorities should allow visits by the U.N.'s special rapporteur on torture and the U.N. working group on arbitrary detention and torture, whose requests for visits were ignored by the Mubarak regime.

For abuses to halt, those responsible must be brought to trial before an independent, civilian court, said Suzanne Nossel, the executive director of Amnesty International USA.

"If President Morsi truly wants to reform Egypt, he must establish the principle that no one can be above the law, including the army and the security services," Nossel said. "Without accountability by the army and security forces who are responsible for decades of human rights violations, justice for victims will remain elusive."

Amnesty said it has yet to receive a response from Morsi for a memorandum it had sent to him on the day he was sworn in, in which it details how Egypt can address the history of human rights and open a new page.

"This is disappointing," said Saharoui.

Associated Press


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Monday, October 1, 2012

Irreversible warming will cause sea levels to rise for thousands of years to come, new research shows

ScienceDaily (Oct. 2, 2012) ? Greenhouse gas emissions up to now have triggered an irreversible warming of Earth that will cause sea levels to rise for thousands of years to come, new research has shown.

The results come from a study, published today (Oct. 2) in IOP Publishing's journal Environmental Research Letters, which sought to model sea-level changes over millennial timescales, taking into account all of Earth's land ice and the warming of the oceans -- something which has not been done before.

The research showed that we have already committed ourselves to a sea-level rise of 1.1 metres by the year 3000 as a result of our greenhouse gas emissions up to now. This irreversible damage could be worse, depending on the route we take to mitigating our emissions.

If we were to follow the high A2 emissions scenario adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a sea-level rise of 6.8 metres could be expected in the next thousand years. The two other IPCC scenarios analysed by the researchers, the B1 and A1B scenarios, yielded sea-level rises of 2.1 and 4.1 metres respectively.

"Ice sheets are very slow components in the climate system; they respond on time scales of thousands of years," said co-author of the study Professor Philippe Huybrechts.

"Together with the long life-time of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, this inertia is the real poison on the climate system: anything we do now that changes the forcing in the climate system will necessarily have long consequences for the ice sheets and sea level."

In all of the scenarios that the researchers analysed, the Greenland ice sheet was responsible for more than half of the sea level rises; thermal expansion of the oceans was the second highest contributor, and the contribution of glaciers and ice was only small.

The researchers believe this is the first study to include glaciers, ice caps, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and the thermal expansion of the oceans into a projection of sea-level rises. They did so by using a climate modelling system called LOVECLIM, which includes components from a number of different subsystems.

The polar ice sheets are not normally included into projections due to computational constraints, whilst researchers often find it difficult to account for the 200 000 individual glaciers that are found all over the world in very different climatic settings.

Professor Huybrechts continued: "Ultimately the current polar ice sheets store about 65 metres of equivalent sea level and if climatic warming will be severe and long-lasting all ice will eventually melt.

"Mankind should limit the concentration of greenhouse gases at the lowest possible level as soon as possible. The only realistic option is a drastic reduction of the emissions. The lower the ultimate warming will be, the less severe the ultimate consequences will be."

The researchers are from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Manchester Metropolitan University and the Universit? catholique de Louvain.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Institute of Physics.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. H Goelzer, P Huybrechts, S C B Raper, M-F Loutre, H Goosse, T Fichefet. Millennial total sea-level commitments projected with the Earth system model of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM. Environmental Research Letters, 2012; 7 (4): 045401 DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/045401

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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There are differences between business opportunities, such as their size. Foreign Exchange is the biggest currency trading platform in the world! If you are considering making the plunge into the fast-paced world of Forex trading, see the advice given here.

No matter how successful you get in Foreign Exchange trading, keep a journal that documents all your failures and all your successes. You should document all of your success and all of the failures. It is important to record everything you do in the Forex market, in order to analyze how well you are doing, and to avoid past mistakes that can affect your bottom line.

You need to have the right risk taking attitude to succeed in forex. This is just as crucial as proper analysis. The more you educate yourself, the better your plan will be and thus you will succeed.

TIP! Open and begin using a mini account. This is the next step after practicing and uses real money in moderation.

Watch and research the financial news since it has a direct impact on currency trading. News items stimulate market speculation causing the currency market to rise and fall. Setting up text or email alerts for your trading markets is a good idea. Doing so will allow you to react quickly to any big news.

Make sure any Foreign Exchange software you purchase can analyze the markets. This will give you the ability to pick currencies for trading. If you don?t know which software is best for your needs, read online reviews from others.

New foreign exchange traders get pretty excited about trading and pour themselves into it wholeheartedly. In general, people tend to lose focus after a period of time, so if you find yourself not dedicating yourself completely towards the trade it?s probably a good time to step away for a bit. Give yourself a break on occasion. The market isn?t going anywhere.

TIP! You should never trade Forex with the use of emotion. Your risk level goes down and you won?t be making any utterly detrimental decisions.

Foreign Exchange relies upon the economic conditions around the world, more so than options and the stock market. Before starting to trade forex, it is important that you have a thorough understanding of trade imbalances, interest rates, current account deficits, and fiscal policy. If you begin trading blindly without educating yourself, you could lose a lot of money.

You should not invest more than a certain amount of what you have in your account. This provides leeway if a trade goes bad. Even if you buy into a poor trade, you will be able to stay in the market. The longer you have been watching the foreign exchange market, the more tempted you may be to make large trades. Always keep in mind, however, that slow and steady wins the race.

Forex traders should understand that using a highly leveraged account has some downfalls. These account allow more range, but inexperienced traders can lose profits with high leverage accounts. Inform yourself before you hurt yourself.

TIP! Most people think that they can see stop losses in a market and the currency value will fall below these markers before it goes back up. This is a fallacy.

As you start out, you should try to decide what sort of trader you need to be based on your time frame. To make plans for getting in and out of trades quickly, rely on the 15-minute and hourly charts to plan your entry and exit points. There is a class of trader called a ?scalper? that goes even faster, concluding trades in just minutes.

The tips you?ve read are all used by real foreign exchange experts who have real success. Although we cannot guarantee you will be successful in your trading, these tips will assist you in becoming successful. Put the advice you have been offered in this article to good use, and turn it into profits.

Bob Spiro

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Video: Candidates make final push for swing states

>>> the candidates are making their final push for swing states ahead of the first presidential debate on wednesday. nbc's peter alexander is in boston with more. peter, good morning.

>> reporter: natalie, good morning to you from a windy day here in boston . the president has already held four mock debates. mitt romney had a full-fledged dress rehearsal with aides in boston late yesterday. romney heads out to denver today. the president is already out west. both of them hunkering down ahead of wednesday's debate showdown. making his eighth trip this year, the western battleground of nevada, president obama rallied supporters in las vegas sunday night.

>> i believe in you. and i ask you to keep on believing in me. i'm asking for your vote. i'm asking you to stand with me.

>> reporter: the president is gripping on to a small lead in the swing states , including iowa, where a new poll shows mitt romney trailing by four points. analysts say romney needs to change the trajectory of the race. but his running mate, paul ryan insists, he's not concerned, even while acknowledging campaign mistakes.

>> we've had some miss steps, but at the end of the day , the choice is really clear and we're giving people a clear choice.

>> governor romney , he's a good debater. i'm just okay.

>> reporter: for days, both sides have been tamping down debate expectations.

>> we expected all along that governor romney will have a good night. he's prepared more than any candidate in history. and he's shown himself to be a very, very good debater through the years.

>> sometimes we expect a major break through. you know, the comment that doesn't happen very often.

>> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie predicted romney would do extremely well and turn the race upside down.

>> thursday morning, the entire narrative of this race is going to change.

>> reporter: and if the president is trying to avoid the campaign over the next several days, natalie, it will be tough to do. if he turns on the local news at his lakeside resort in henderson, nevada tonight, he'll see none other than his opponent's wife, ann romney , who is hosting a rally there tonight.

>> all right. peter alexander in boston . thank you, peter.


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