Sunday, June 30, 2013

In Texas, a filibuster for the digital age

Twitter. Videostreams. Liveblogs. And a group effort to figure out what the heck happened amid the #StandWithWendy chaos

AUSTIN, TX ? At 10 minutes to midnight Tuesday evening, tempers in the Texas Senate finally boiled over. On the floor, Sen. Kirk Watson (D-Austin) was fighting with every parliamentary knife in Robert?s Rules of Order to both challenge the latest ruling from the chair and to buy time.

That?s when the gallery erupted in shouts and screams that drowned out all other noise. Time was of the essence for Republicans who favored some of the sharpest new restrictions on abortion in the nation, and for the handful of Democrats who opposed them?led by Sen. Wendy Davis (D-Ft. Worth), who had launched a grueling filibuster more than 12 hours earlier.

And for reporters, the battle to cover a fight over one of the nation?s most divisive issues was reaching its peak. But it turned out to be not so much a contest of one news outlet against one another (though there were some definite media standouts) as against the Senate itself. In an era when it?s reasonable to worry about government watching us through the eerie lens of social media, citizens and journalists used streaming video, live-blogging, and Twitter in a collaborative exercise to help each other watch what government was doing in the literal dead of night?and to ferret out what the hell had just happened.

So when Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a Republican, tried to ram the bill through?claiming a roll call to pass the legislation came before constitutionally-mandated midnight deadline?the moment may not have been captured on cable news, but a state, and a nation, was watching. And when the official record on the legislature?s website was changed to show the vote getting in under the wire, screenshots flagging the alteration immediately began circulating on Twitter. Nearly three hours later, the galleries cleared, protesters still outside, Dewhurst would reverse himself. The bill, which would have outlawed abortion after 20 weeks and placed new regulatory restrictions on clinics that critics said would restrict the procedure to a handful of major facilities in big cities, died?for now.

A ?dreadfully dull? livestream is set ablaze

Texas is, in a way, home to both today?s constitutionally protected reproductive rights and the divisive controversy that continues to surround them. A Texas woman, Norma McCorvey, known under the legal pseudonym of Jane Roe, was the plaintiff against Dallas County Attorney Henry Wade in Roe v. Wade, decided by the Supreme Court in 1973. (McCorvey would later become an anti-abortion activist.)

Forty years later, the state?s conservative legislative majority is at the forefront of efforts to impose restrictions on abortion; proposals to do so had percolated in the House throughout this year?s legislative session. But pro-choice Democrats comprise just over a third of the Senate, which by custom gave them enough votes to keep a measure from coming to the floor in that chamber.

When Republican Gov. Rick Perry convened a special session and announced that the abortion bill was among his top priorities, however, confrontation hung in the air. As Texas Monthly?s Sonia Smith noted in a sharp June 19 story, at the start of the special session the Republican majority had scrapped the longstanding rule that allowed Democrats to have a say on what made it to a vote on the Senate floor. A few days later, after the measure cleared the House, her Monthly colleague Paul Burka observed that on this issue, there was no middle ground to be found: ?What is true of abortion is true of all the social issues: They can?t be debated. They can only be argued and argued and argued.?

In fact, endless argument?a traditional marathon filibuster?was now the Democrats? only weapon. In the US Senate, filibusters are routinely used to block legislation, but ?talking filibusters? are so rare that when Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) launched one earlier this year to raise questions about the Obama administration?s use of drones for targeted killing, it became a social media sensation. When Wendy Davis rose to the Senate floor in Austin Tuesday, she had a very specific goal in mind: to run out the clock on the abortion bill. But she was also, like Paul, creating a media event.

?This was the first long filibuster in the social media age in Texas,? said Ross Ramsey, executive editor of The Texas Tribune.

Twitter would play a huge role as the night went on?but only because everyone could see what was happening. And that was possible because the Tribune, alone among news organizations, had secured a live video feed of the Legislature under a contract begun just this year. The video was the building block of everything else Tuesday night. Dubbed LiveStream, it relies upon state cameras and microphones on chamber floors and in some committee rooms. I?ve watched it before. It?s like C-SPAN: usually informative, and usually dreadfully dull. As Brian Stelter of The New York Times wrote on Twitter, the stream ?sat on YouTube, mostly ignored, for months. Until the stream was set ablaze.?

On Tuesday, the drama of the moment and the emotional power of abortion?whatever side of the divide one occupies?drew people to the video feed like moths to a flame. As day turned into night and night wore on, and activists alerted each other and everyday people took interest, the usual trickle of viewers swelled into a river of 54,000. ?Amazing,? tweeted Evan Smith, the Tribune?s CEO and editor-in-chief. Then there were 100,000 viewers?just on the Tribune site. Elsewhere, far-flung news organizations like The Washington Post were embedding the video on their own sites. Then the river became a torrent of about 200,000 viewers to the Tribune site alone, according to Ramsey?in the middle of the night. (CJR?s Ann Friedman has an interview with Smith about the livestream and other elements of the Trib?s coverage here.)

Meanwhile, on the floor, Republicans had objected to Davis getting help putting on a back brace, and to her discussion of Roe v. Wade and a Texas law on sonograms as not germane to the bill at hand. With three such objections sustained by Dewhurst, she was in danger of being cut off, and Democrats turned to other strategies to run out the clock. On their liveblogs, the Tribune and The Dallas Morning News recorded every procedural twist and turn.

But the updates slowed as midnight approached. Increasingly the state?s leading news outlets simply posted the video on their home pages. Developments were moving too fast. The Austin American-Statesman flirted with its very own ?Dewey Beats Truman? moment: even as its reporters kept up with events on a liveblog, at 12:16 am the headline on the paper?s homepage still declared, ?Challenge upheld; Davis? filibuster all but over.?

By that point, the Senate had voted along straight party lines?though over exactly what was unclear amidst the shouting from the gallery. Was it a Republican objection to end the filibuster? Was it the bill itself? Had the vote?whatever it was about?come before midnight?

Fuming senators disappeared from the floor into a closed-door caucus, and Twitter lit up even more, as journalists, citizens, and advocates described the scene, tracked what politicians were saying had happened, and tried to suss out what had actually happened. ?Have seen nothing like this in #texaslege in 22 years. Not even close. Waiting for someone to yell ?Attica,?? tweeted Smith (168 retweets). ?If Dewhurst can assert that it passed, I can assert that it didn?t. I believe I was closer to the dais at the time,? tweeted Texas Monthly?s Erica Greider (93 retweets). A minute later, Greider again: ?From what I saw on the Senate floor, the last roll call vote was a motion to have a vote on #SB5, ie end discussion, not a vote on the bill? (200 retweets).

Around the same time, a pair of images began circulating on Twitter?screenshots from the Texas Legislature Online site showing a vote on the bill recorded on Wednesday and then, nine minutes later, altered to show the vote on Tuesday, before midnight. ?TLO sheet has been edited!? Smith tweeted. The Tribune?s Ramsey had the screenshots, too. Soon, a tweet from the main Tribune account: ?The Senate?s revisionists are very fast. Nine minutes earlier, these showed the record votes on 6/26? (1,366 retweets).

Inside the Senate, the jig was just about up. ?TexasSens say timestamp issue proved the end of #SB5,? tweeted the Statesman?s Mike Ward. ?No way around it.? If the bill was passed after midnight, it would certainly be subject to a lawsuit as unconstitutional. Republican consultant Matt Mackowiak posted on Twitter: ?Source inside TX Senate caucus tells me #SB5 will be ruled to have been voted late.? Shortly after 2 am, the Houston Chronicle?s Peggy Fikac tweeted: ?Re report that SB5 didn?t pass: Sen West said, ?you?re on the right road.?? Greider, who had earlier posted a photo of print-outs showing the altered time record, tweeted reports from the floor: ?Vote happened at 12:03.?

To be even more precise, the official time stamp read 12:03:14 am, Ramsey would tell me Wednesday. Ramsey believes that the Senate acted honestly to invalidate the vote once the true time emerged, though the change on the Texas Legislative Office?s website remains something of a mystery.

A little after 3 am, senators flooded back into the chamber; the tall, patrician-looking Dewhurst gaveled them back to order and announced that the abortion bill had not passed before the midnight deadline. He turned to leave the dais, but then stooped back to the microphone one more time and grinned: ?It?s been fun but see ya soon.? Later, he told reporters, according to the Statesman: ?An unruly mob, using Occupy Wall Street tactics, disrupted the Senate from protecting unborn babies.?

The long night in Austin was over?but not the debate. The sun came up and the temperature soared. Later Wednesday, Perry called the legislature back into a second special session at the pink-domed capitol. By then, the Morning News?s Christy Hoppe had perhaps the best recap of the crazy night, under a simple headline: ?About Last Night: How the Abortion Bill Failed.?

Richard Parker is CJR's Texas correspondent. A regular contributor to the Op-Ed section of The New York Times, his columns on national and international affairs are syndicated by McClatchy-Tribune. He has also twice been appointed the visiting professional in journalism at the University of Texas at Austin.


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Blackhawks parade photos: Celebrating one goal!

By Scott King, Friday at 6:09 pm

Hope you enjoy the Blackhawks parade photos!

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Weather Blog: Here We Go Again

By Carol Erickson

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) ? When it rains it pours, at least lately. This month was the wettest June on record in Philadelphia and more heavy rain is expected as we head into Sunday afternoon right through Tuesday.

A stalled out front to the east and through to the west will continue to funnel moisture into the area. When a little area of low pressure moves along that boundary too, and sometimes very slowly, heavy rain can result.

A flash flood watch begins late Sunday night until Monday night with the chance of rainfall rates of one to two inches per hour. Some spots will get wetter than others, but the ground is saturated without more rain, so more can be too much.

This month?s record 10.11 inches of rain?surpasses the previous wettest June rainfall record of 10.06 inches set in 1938.

We finish June with more rain and start July with more rain.

When it rains, it pours.


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Nigerian commission reports troops killing civilians

Nigeria's National Human Rights Commission said Sunday it has credible reports security forces are killing, torturing, illegally detaining and raping civilians in a fight to halt an Islamic uprising in northeast Nigeria that has killed nearly 2,000 people since 2010.

A report by the commission said troops retaliating against civilians have torched homes and tried to hide evidence of gross violations by disposing of bodies.

In the most egregious case, where troops went on a rampage in several villages after a soldier was killed in mid-April in the fishing village of Baga, it quoted police as saying soldiers "started shooting indiscriminately at anybody in sight including domestic animals. This reaction resulted to loss of lives and massive destruction of properties."

The military said 36 people were killed, most of them extremist fighters. Witnesses told the AP at the time that some 187 civilians were killed.

The commission said the killings also came after militants had ransacked an armory, with subsequent reports indicating the extremists enjoyed an increase in the caliber and quantity of weapons and "had become both more organized and emboldened by their apparent successes despite the enhanced security presence."

That contradicted military reports that they have taken control of the region in a military emergency covering thee states and one-sixth of the sprawling country. Instead, they appear to have pushed the fighters into rocky mountains with caves where it is more difficult to flush them out. The extremists regularly attack towns and villages.

Mobile phone and internet service cut

The commission, a government body, issued an interim report saying it would finalize it when its investigators are able to visit the area where soldiers have cut mobile phone and Internet connections. A state of emergency was declared May 14 when the government said extremists from the Boko Haram terrorist group had taken control of some towns and villages.

The insurgency poses the biggest threat in years to security in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation of 160 million and the continent's biggest oil producer.

Communities trapped between the Islamic militants and the security forces "reportedly live in desperate fear and destitution," the commission said.

Commision warns of food shortage

It warned of an imminent public health emergency and food shortages because farmers have been forced from their fields.

Some medical experts from the region have reported a notable upsurge in sudden deaths, heart attacks and aneurysms, it said.

Northeast Nigeria already presents "the worst statistics of human development in Nigeria generally," it said.

Maternal mortality rates were three times the national average of 545 deaths for every 100,000 live births, and reports reaching the commission suggest the emergency has even more mothers dying in childbirth.

Northeast Nigeria is the poorest region in the country, with government statistics indicating 75 percent of the population lives from hand to mouth on less than $1 a day.

Western religion and medicine forbidden

The commission's interim findings corroborated AP reports from the region. Militants who began by targeting government personnel and health workers ? they preach that Western religion and medicine are forbidden ? are increasingly targeting civilians in attacks on schools and vaccination campaigns.

"The Commission equally received several credibly attested allegations of gross violations by officials of the JTF (joint task force of police and military), including allegations of summary executions, torture, arbitrary detention amounting to internment and outrages against the dignity of civilians, as well as rape," the rights commission said.

"In particular, we have received persistent and credibly attested allegations of indiscriminate disposal of dead human remains by personnel of both the JTF and the Borno State Environmental Protection Agency."

The military and presidential spokesmen did not respond to requests for comment.


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GameStop Expo puts the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in your hands this August

GameStop Expo puts the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in your hands this August

Whether or not you pay for GameStop's annual membership plan, the planet's largest video game retailer is opening the doors of the Las Vegas Sands Expo and Convention Center to the public for its annual GameStop Expo come this August, which this year features hands-on with both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. For a $35 general admission ticket, you'll get access to both consoles on August 28th -- long before their respective holiday launches -- as well as a chance to play a variety of upcoming games. Should you shell out a stone cold $90, you'll snag a copy of Madden NFL 25 for Xbox 360, gain (one hour) early entry to the show and "access to panel discussions with some of the biggest names in the industry."

Per usual, attendees must be older than 17, and the event's a one day affair. But then you'll be in Vegas, so... maybe stay for a few days.

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Via: Joystiq

Source: GameStop


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Facebook to pull ads from pages with sex, violence

8 hours ago

Facebook says it will no longer allow ads to appear on pages with sexual or violent content, as the online social network moves to appease marketers being associated with objectionable material.

The announcement on Friday came a month after several businesses pulled their ads from Facebook amid reports of pages on the site that promoted violence against women.

Facebook said at the time that it needed to improve its system for flagging and removing content that violated its community standards, which forbid users from posting content about hate-speech, threats and pornography, among other things.

Ads account for roughly 85 percent of revenue at Facebook, the world's largest social network with 1.1 billion users. Facebook said the changes would not have a meaningful impact on its business.

On Friday, Facebook said it also needed to do more to prevent situations in which ads are displayed alongside material that may not run afoul of its community standards but are deemed controversial nonetheless.

A Facebook page for a business that sells adult products, for example, will no longer feature ads. Previously such a page could feature ads along the right-hand side of the page so long as the page did not violate Facebook's prohibition on depicting nudity.

The move underscores the delicate balance for social media companies, which features a variety of unpredictable and sometimes unsavory content shared by users, but which rely on advertising to underpin their business.

"Our goal is to both preserve the freedoms of sharing on Facebook but also protect people and brands from certain types of content," Facebook said in a post on its website on Friday.

Facebook said that it would expand the scope of pages and groups on its website that should be ad-restricted and promised to remove ads from the flagged areas of the website by the end of the coming week.

Pages and groups that reference violence will also be off limits to ads, the company said. A Facebook spokeswoman noted that the policy would not apply to the pages of news organizations on Facebook.

Facebook said the process of flagging objectionable pages and removing ads would initially be done manually, but that the company will build an automated system to do the job in the coming weeks.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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Vatican monsignor arrested in 20M euro plot

An undated photo of Monsignor Nunzio Scarano in Salerno, Italy. A Vatican official already under investigation in a purported money-laundering plot involving the Vatican bank was arrested Friday, June 28, 2013, in a separate operation: Prosecutors allege he tried to bring 20 million euros ($26 million) in cash into Italy from Switzerland aboard an Italian government plane, his lawyer said. Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, a recently suspended accountant in one of the Vatican's main financial departments, is accused of fraud, corruption and slander stemming from the plot, which never got off the ground, attorney Silverio Sica told The Associated Press. He said Scarano was a middleman in the operation: Friends had asked him to intervene with a broker, Giovanni Carenzio, to return 20 million euros they had given him to invest. Sica said Scarano persuaded Carenzio to return the money, and an Italian secret service agent, Giovanni Maria Zito, went to Switzerland to bring the cash back aboard an Italian government aircraft. Such a move would presumably prevent any reporting of the money coming into Italy. The operation failed because Carenzio reneged on the deal, Sica said. (AP Photo/Francesco Pecoraro)

An undated photo of Monsignor Nunzio Scarano in Salerno, Italy. A Vatican official already under investigation in a purported money-laundering plot involving the Vatican bank was arrested Friday, June 28, 2013, in a separate operation: Prosecutors allege he tried to bring 20 million euros ($26 million) in cash into Italy from Switzerland aboard an Italian government plane, his lawyer said. Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, a recently suspended accountant in one of the Vatican's main financial departments, is accused of fraud, corruption and slander stemming from the plot, which never got off the ground, attorney Silverio Sica told The Associated Press. He said Scarano was a middleman in the operation: Friends had asked him to intervene with a broker, Giovanni Carenzio, to return 20 million euros they had given him to invest. Sica said Scarano persuaded Carenzio to return the money, and an Italian secret service agent, Giovanni Maria Zito, went to Switzerland to bring the cash back aboard an Italian government aircraft. Such a move would presumably prevent any reporting of the money coming into Italy. The operation failed because Carenzio reneged on the deal, Sica said. (AP Photo/Francesco Pecoraro)

FILE - In this Monday, Feb. 7, 2011 file photo, a building, left, which hosts the Vatican bank, formerly known as the Institute for Religious Operas, IOR, inside the Vatican. A Vatican official has been arrested in a purported plot to bring 20 million euro into Italy from Switzerland aboard an Italian government plane. Silverio Sica, attorney for Monsignor Nunzio Scarano said his client is accused of fraud, corruption and other charges stemming from the plot, which never got off the ground. Sica told The Associated Press that Scarano was a middleman in the operation: Friends had asked Scarano to intervene with a broker, Giovanni Carenzio, to return 20 million euro they had given him to invest. Sica said Scarano persuaded Carenzio to return the money, and an Italian secret service agent, Mario Zito, went to Switzerland to bring it back aboard an Italian government aircraft. He said the plot failed because Carenzio reneged. Carenzio and Zito also were arrested. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis, File)

An undated photo of Monsignor Nunzio Scarano in Salerno, Italy. A Vatican official already under investigation in a purported money-laundering plot involving the Vatican bank was arrested Friday, June 28, 2013, in a separate operation: Prosecutors allege he tried to bring 20 million euros ($26 million) in cash into Italy from Switzerland aboard an Italian government plane, his lawyer said. Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, a recently suspended accountant in one of the Vatican's main financial departments, is accused of fraud, corruption and slander stemming from the plot, which never got off the ground, attorney Silverio Sica told The Associated Press. He said Scarano was a middleman in the operation: Friends had asked him to intervene with a broker, Giovanni Carenzio, to return 20 million euros they had given him to invest. Sica said Scarano persuaded Carenzio to return the money, and an Italian secret service agent, Giovanni Maria Zito, went to Switzerland to bring the cash back aboard an Italian government aircraft. Such a move would presumably prevent any reporting of the money coming into Italy. The operation failed because Carenzio reneged on the deal, Sica said. (AP Photo/Francesco Pecoraro)

A journalist, left, walks with his camera outside Rome's tribunal and prosecutor's office, Friday, June 28, 2013. A Vatican official already under investigation in a purported money-laundering plot involving the Vatican bank was arrested Friday in a separate operation: Prosecutors allege he tried to bring 20 million euros ($26 million) in cash into Italy from Switzerland aboard an Italian government plane, his lawyer said. Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, a recently suspended accountant in one of the Vatican's main financial departments, is accused of fraud, corruption and slander stemming from the plot, which never got off the ground, attorney Silverio Sica told The Associated Press. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

A man walks outside Rome's tribunal and prosecutor's office, Friday, June 28, 2013. A Vatican official already under investigation in a purported money-laundering plot involving the Vatican bank was arrested Friday in a separate operation: Prosecutors allege he tried to bring 20 million euros ($26 million) in cash into Italy from Switzerland aboard an Italian government plane, his lawyer said. Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, a recently suspended accountant in one of the Vatican's main financial departments, is accused of fraud, corruption and slander stemming from the plot, which never got off the ground, attorney Silverio Sica told The Associated Press. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

(AP) ? The plot involved an armed police escort, a wealthy shipping family and a plan to secretly transport $26 million (20 million euros) from a Swiss bank account into Italy aboard a private jet. At the heart of the story of greed: a silver-haired Vatican monsignor.

The latest corruption scandal to hit the Holy See unraveled in public on Friday as Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, a Vatican accountant, was arrested in the customs-dodging Swiss bank case. He is also under investigation in a separate case of alleged money-laundering involving his Vatican bank account.

The developments came two days after Pope Francis created a commission of inquiry into the Vatican bank to get to the bottom of the problems that have plagued it for decades and contributed to its reputation as an unregulated, offshore tax haven.

Francis has made it clear that he has no tolerance for corruption or for Vatican officials who use their jobs for personal ambition or gain. He has said he wants a "poor" church that ministers to those most in need. He has also noted, tongue in cheek, that "St. Peter didn't have a bank account."

With Francis' reform-minded hand now running the show, the Vatican said it was prepared to fully cooperate with Italian investigators, who described a remarkably detailed scheme allegedly spearheaded by Scarano to benefit some very wealthy friends. Prosecutor Nello Rossi identified them as the d'Amicos, one of Italy's most important shipping families from Scarano's hometown of Salerno in southern Italy.

Rossi declined to say if any of the d'Amicos were under investigation, but said developments were expected in the coming days.

Three people were arrested on Friday: Scarano, a onetime banker who was recently suspended from his job in the Vatican's main finance office, Italian financier Giovanni Carenzio and Giovanni Zito, who until recently was a member of the Italian military police's agency for security and information.

According to wiretapped conversations, the three allegedly plotted to smuggle in some 20 million euros in cash that Carenzio held in a Swiss bank account without declaring it to authorities at the airport.

Scarano's lawyer described him as something of a middleman: The 20 million euros belonged to the d'Amicos, who had given the money to Carenzio to invest but wanted it back. Scarano was tasked with persuading Carenzio to hand it over.

Rossi said the d'Amico money was presumably being held in Switzerland to avoid paying Italian taxes. An email seeking comment from the family's Rome-based company, the d'Amico Societa di Navigazione SpA, wasn't immediately returned.

According to prosecutors, Zito, the Carabinieri agent, called in sick to his job one day in July 2012, rented a private plane and flew with Carenzio to Locarno, Switzerland, to pick up the money. The plan was for Carenzio to withdraw the cash from his bank account and hand it over to Zito to bring back to Italy. The arrangements were so detailed there was even to be an armed police escort waiting at the airport to bring the money to Scarano's home in Rome, Rossi said.

"This operation was meticulously planned in all its details," the prosecutor said, noting that Zito was chosen to be the mule because his high-ranking position in the Italian police agency would have enabled him to pass through the airport customs area without being stopped.

The money could have been transported relatively easily because euros are issued in high denominations. If the cash had been withdrawn in the largest denomination ? 500 euro notes ? it would have weighed 97 pounds (44 kilos) and fit into a suitcase.

But at a certain point in Locarno, the deal fell through. Carenzio, who had been increasingly balking at handing the money over, made excuses that the Swiss bank couldn't come up with the money, Rossi said.

He declined to identify the bank and it's not clear where the money is. But this isn't the only investigation looking into Carenzio's financial dealings: Rossi noted news reports in the Canary Islands that authorities there are investigating Carenzio for alleged fraud, misappropriation of funds and concealment of assets. He is alleged to have operated a Ponzi scheme, the reports say.

After the aborted transport flight, Zito returned to Rome empty-handed. But he still demanded from Scarano his fee of 600,000 euros for the operation. Scarano cut him one check for 400,000 euros which he deposited. He gave him a second check for 200,000 euros, but in a bid to prevent the check from being deposited, reported it as missing, the prosecutor said.

That put a block on the check and resulted in Scarano being accused of slander for filing a false report knowing that the check was in Zito's hands, Rossi said.

Scarano, as well as the other two, are also accused of corruption. If they are indicted and convicted, they could face up to five to six years in prison, prosecutors said. Rossi said investigators were also looking into the source of Scarano's wealth and his real estate holdings.

Asked how his client responded to the accusations, Scarano's attorney, Silverio Sica, said the monsignor would respond to prosecutors' questions.

"As far as I know, Father Nunzio was only trying to help some friends and then entered a mechanism that later revealed to be dangerous for him too," he said in an interview. "I believe he did it with naivety".

The Vatican bank, known as the Institute for Religious Works, is cooperating with Italian authorities and its lay board has launched an internal investigation, spokesman Max Hohenberg said. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Scarano was suspended more than a month ago and that the Vatican was taking the appropriate measures to deal with his case.

He said the Vatican hadn't yet received any request for information from Italian authorities, but said it was prepared to offer its "full cooperation."

Rossi, the Italian prosecutor, described the operation as one branch in a "mosaic" of investigations targeting the Vatican bank, which has long been a source of scandal for the Holy See.

Rossi's team of prosecutors in 2010 placed the top two Vatican bank officials under investigation for allegedly violating anti-money laundering norms during a routine transaction involving an Institute for Religious Works account at an Italian bank. They ordered the 23 million euros in the transaction seized. The money was eventually unfrozen but the two men remain under investigation.

The Swiss investigation didn't immediately appear to directly involve the Vatican Bank, but both Rossi and Vatican officials said there could be further developments.

Rossi noted that the d'Amicos were frequent contributors to Scarano's charitable account at the Vatican Bank, known as the "Fondo Anziani," a fund purportedly aimed at helping out the elderly.

Rossi's team is also working with prosecutors in Salerno on a separate money-laundering investigation involving Scarano and his Vatican bank accounts.

According to Sica, Scarano took $729,000 (560,000 euros) in cash out of his Vatican bank account in 2009 and carried it out of the Vatican and into Italy to help pay off a mortgage on his Salerno home.

The money had come into Scarano's Vatican bank account from donors who gave it to the prelate thinking they were funding a home for the terminally ill in Salerno, Sica said.

To deposit the money into an Italian bank account ? and to prevent family members from finding out he had such a large chunk of cash ? he asked 56 close friends to accept 10,000 euros apiece in cash in exchange for a check or money transfer in the same amount. Scarano was then able to deposit the amounts in his Italian account.

The lawyer said Scarano had given the names of the donors to prosecutors and insisted the origin of the money was clean, that the transactions didn't constitute money-laundering, and that he only took the money "temporarily" for his personal use.

The home for the terminally ill was never built, though the property has been identified, Sica said.

On Wednesday, Francis named five people to head a commission of inquiry into the Vatican bank's activities and legal status "to allow for a better harmonization with the universal mission of the Apostolic See."


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Who are the likely Emmy snubs in the crowded drama category?

By Steve Pond

(Reuters) - Does the Television Academy need to follow the lead of its colleagues at the Oscars and expand its top category to a full 10 nominees?

That's a question that is being asked with increasing frequency these days, with the Emmy race in the Outstanding Drama Series category proving to be its most competitive in years, maybe even its toughest ever.

At least eight to 10 of the series currently in the running would be shoo-ins for a nomination in a normal year. But with only six slots up for grabs in the category, shows left on the sidelines could be as formidable as "Boardwalk Empire," "The Americans" or Netflix's potentially game-changing "House of Cards."

"I'm not saying anything that other people haven't been saying for a while, but it really is a golden age of television," Mark Johnson, executive producer of "Breaking Bad," told TheWrap. "It is remarkable how many great shows there are."

The buzz, he added, is constantly shifting. "One day I hear everybody talking about 'Game of Thrones,' the next day they're talking about 'The Americans,' the next day they're back to talking about 'Homeland.'

"I can't worry about where 'Breaking Bad' stands, or I'd end up driving myself crazy."

Gareth Neame, the executive producer of "Downton Abbey," agreed that the field was unusually strong in a recent conversation with TheWrap. "The bar is so high now that a lot of people are saying the number of nominees isn't enough," he said.

"But where do you have the cutoff? You're only going to have one winner - do you really want to have a lot of nominees?"

The problem for Emmy voters is that if you don't have a lot of nominees, you'll leave out either acclaimed veteran shows or fresh newcomers. The top contenders, in alphabetical order:

"The Americans"

FX's Cold War drama may have the best shot of series to do what "Homeland" did last year - not only land a nomination, but win the drama-series Emmy in its first season. Its four nominations at both the Critics' Choice Television Awards and the TCA Awards are double the number scored by the other hot freshman series, Netflix's "House of Cards."

"Boardwalk Empire" TheWrap's Tim Molloy has called Season 3 of the HBO drama its best one, and named the show the best series of the 2012-2013 season. With 18 nominations and eight wins in its first season and 12 noms and four wins in its second (including drama-series nods both years), Terence Winter's period drama is a proven favorite with voters.

"Breaking Bad"

The only time in the last four years that Vince Gilligan's show didn't get a drama-series nomination was 2011, the year it wasn't eligible; before that year off, star Bryan Cranston won three consecutive Emmys as lead actor in a drama series.

This time around, voters will be considering the first half of the series' final season, which was split into eight episodes that aired in 2012 and eight more that will begin airing this August - right when Emmy voters will be casting their final ballots.

The Critics' Choice Television Awards, which correctly predicted the Emmy winners in 2011 and 2012, recently named it the year's best drama (in a tie with "Game of Thrones").

"Downton Abbey"

The most-nominated non-American series of all time (it qualifies because it's a co-production with WGBH in Boston), "Downton Abbey" made mincemeat of the Emmys' miniseries or movie categories after its first season, then shifted to the tougher drama-series categories in its second season and scored 14 nominations and three wins.

Its third season gained lots of attention by killing off a couple of main characters whose actors wouldn't renew their contracts.

"Game of Thrones"

Speaking of killing off main characters, HBO's "Game of Thrones" had what might have been the most talked-about hour of TV all season with its brutal "Red Wedding" episode. And Emmy voters already loved the show for its scale and scope: In its first two seasons it scored 25 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series noms both years, and eight wins.

"The Good Wife"

Is there room for a broadcast network in the drama-series category? For years, "The Good Wife" has been fighting the good fight on behalf of the networks, giving CBS the one non-cable spot in the slate of nominees.

It still has enough strength with actors to be a formidable competitor in the category - but after being the sole broadcast-network nominee in its first two seasons, it couldn't land a series nomination last year, which produced the first all-cable lineup in the category's history.

"Homeland" Showtime's series scored an upset victory in the category last year, and Emmy voters are such creatures of habit that it's hard to believe they won't at least nominate the show that won the previous year. (The last time the reigning champ failed to get a nomination was 2007, with "24.") Between its second Golden Globe win and its Critics' Choice nomination, it does not appear to have suffered a sophomore slump.

"House of Cards"

The biggest wild card on the ballot is Beau Willimon's political drama, whose entire season of 13 episodes was made available in February by Netflix. It would be unconventional for Emmy voters to look so far outside traditional television for a nominee, but "House of Cards" may have been the year's most buzz-worthy show, and one that turned binge viewing into a national pastime.

"I think it'll get in because of sheer talkability, and because it's breaking new ground," said Gareth Neame.

"Mad Men"

Emmy voters have always loved Matthew Weiner's Madison Avenue drama, which has already won four drama-series Emmys and will break the record it shares with "Hill Street Blues," "L.A. Law" and "The West Wing" if it wins another.

The past season - its second-to-last ever - may have been the show's weirdest, but it's impossible to envision voters not nominating it. Plus, to improve his chances this year, Weiner hired the publicist who landed "Argo" its Oscar Best Picture.

The six nominees will most likely come from those nine shows, but FX's "Justified" is always in the mix, and HBO's "The Newsroom" has a real shot as well. Then there are the buzziest new shows on broadcast TV, "Scandal" and "Nashville"; the final season of Showtime's four-time drama-series nominee "Dexter"; the genre gems "The Walking Dead" and "Bates Motel" ...

So who'll be snubbed?

Critics' Choice voters went with "Breaking Bad," "Game of Thrones," "The Americans," "Downton Abbey," "The Good Wife" and "Homeland" (right), leaving out "Boardwalk Empire," "House of Cards" (!) and "Mad Men" (!!).

Golden Globe voters opted for "Boardwalk," "Downton," "Homeland," "Breaking Bad" and "The Newsroom," but not "Game of Thrones," "Mad Men" or "The Good Wife." ("House of Cards" and "The Americans" hadn't yet debuted, and they were voting on the previous season of "Mad Men.")

Given the stiff competition, and the fact that current Emmy rules call for just six nominees (though a tie produced seven in 2009), it's hardly embarrassing to be left out. But that will be small consolation to whichever topnotch shows find themselves overlooked when nominations are announced on July 18.

"It's tough, because we are just surrounded by really great storytelling," said Mark Johnson, who has few illusions that his other show, the acclaimed Sundance series "Rectify," can find a spot in a year this competitive.

"As somebody said to me recently, 'The movie studios should be ashamed that they've given storytelling over to television.'"


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Australian PM Rudd urges China action on trade deal

By James Grubel

CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia's Sinophile Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Friday urged China - the country's largest trading partner - to conclude a stalled free trade deal, using his first news conference since regaining power to praise the current bilateral relationship.

Rudd, a former diplomat who speaks fluent Mandarin, said China's concerns that its farm industry could be hurt by a free trade pact with Canberra were unfounded given the size of Australia's agricultural output.

Australia and China began free trade talks in 2005, but the negotiations have stalled over Beijing's concerns over opening their markets to Australian food, while Australia wants China to do more to protect intellectual property. The 19th round of talks was held earlier this month.

"This thing has been moving across the Sahara at the pace of a slightly lame camel," Rudd said, two days after reclaiming the prime ministership from Julia Gillard.

"I'd say to our friends in Beijing, let us conclude a free trade agreement between China and Australia."

Rudd said China had no need to worry about the impact of agricultural imports on its vast rural territory, as Australia's total farm production would only meet the extra expected demand from a single Chinese province.

Australia is the world's second largest wheat exporter and third largest exporter of beef and raw sugar, with agricultural exports worth around A$36 billion ($33.40 billion) a year. Bilateral yearly trade between Australia and China is worth around A$120 billion.

Australia wants to boost farm output to become a foodbowl for Asia to meet an expected rise in global food demand. China is encouraging its firms to expand overseas to increase food security for its 1.3 billion people, with some Chinese companies eyeing Australian farms.


Rudd, who made foreign policy a focus of his 2007-2010 leadership, refused to confirm whether he would go ahead with a planned visit to neighboring Indonesia next week, but said he would raise the flashpoint issue of people smuggling and asylum seekers if he went ahead with the trip.

Asylum seekers arriving by boat after passing through Indonesian transit points are a hot political issue in Australia, where voter anger at the constant arrivals is perhaps the most damaging factor threatening to unseat the Labor government at looming elections.

Rudd, however, hit out at plans by the conservative opposition to use Australia's navy to turn back crowded refugee boats and send them back to Indonesia, saying the plan - rejected by Jakarta - risked provoking a conflict.

"There is a risk of diplomatic conflict. You need to be mindful of where that conflict can lead to," he said.

Australia and Indonesia have a history of uneasy ties, although relations have improved dramatically since a 1999 low over Canberra's leadership of a military intervention in support of East Timor's vote for independence from Jakarta.

The opposition's foreign affairs spokeswoman, Julia Bishop, condemned Rudd's comments and demanded he apologize.

"It is outrageous beyond belief that the prime minister would try and misrepresent a policy and drag Indonesia into his base political debate by suggesting a possible conflict," she said. "The man is meant to be a former diplomat."

($1 = 1.0779 Australian dollars)

(Editing by Rob Taylor and Ron Popeski)


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US suspending Bangladesh trade benefits after factory tragedies - source


14 hours ago

People rescue garment workers trapped under rubble at the Rana Plaza building after it collapsed, in Savar, 30 km (19 miles) outside Dhaka in this Apr...


People rescue garment workers trapped under rubble at the Rana Plaza building after it collapsed, in Savar, 30 km (19 miles) outside Dhaka in this April 24, 2013 file photo. Sources says President Obama will suspend U.S. trade benefits to Bangladesh.

President Barack Obama is expected to announce on Thursday that the United States is suspending trade benefits for Bangladesh after two tragedies in a year in the country's garment sector that killed more than 1,200 workers, a congressional source said.

U.S. trade officials have said they expected Obama to announce a decision on the matter by the end of June. The U.S. Trade Representative's office did not have an immediate comment on whether an announcement would come Thursday.

Suspending Bangladesh from the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences program would increase U.S. duties on an array of products the Asian country exports to the United States, such as tobacco, sporting equipment, porcelain china, plastic products and a small amount of textile products.

But it would not directly affect Bangladesh's main export, clothing, since garments are not eligible for duty cuts under the GSP program, which was created in 1976 to help economic development in the world's poorest countries and to reduce import costs for U.S. companies.

In 2012, Bangladesh was spared about $2 million in U.S. duties on about $35 million worth of goods under GSP, but it paid about $732 million in U.S. duties on $4.9 billion of clothing exports not covered by the program, according to Ed Gresser, a trade analyst with the GlobalWorks Foundation.

Still, Obama's decision would be a repudiation of working conditions in Bangladesh following the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory building in April that killed 1,129 people and the Tazreen factory fire in November that killed 112. Clothing for several American and European retailers is made in Bangladesh.

It also could influence the European Union's decision whether to suspend trade benefits for Bangladesh, which would have far more impact since Bangladesh's clothing and textiles exports receive duty-free treatment there.

The EU imported roughly 9.2 billion euros ($12.13 billion) of goods from Bangladesh last year, according to data from the EU's executive, the European Commission.

Clothing and textile products ranging from towels and bedding accounted for almost 93 percent of those goods.

EU officials have threatened to kick Bangladesh out of the program - a process that could take more than a year - unless it improves worker safety conditions.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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Big global increase in 'legal highs'

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Big global increase in 'legal highs'
Governments everywhere are struggling to cope with an increase in new substances known as "legal highs", the UN's latest World Drug Report says.

Source: BBC News
Posted on: Wednesday, Jun 26, 2013, 8:19am
Views: 16


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Virtual Imaging Tech Helps People Get Over Social Anxieties

When it comes to anxiety it's fear that keeps people away. They refuse to face the source of their anxiety. One technique to overcome anxiety/fear is to flood -"flooding"

The idea is that anxiety cannot build indefinitely. It peaks and then subsides. So flooding puts you in anxiety inducing situations in increasing intensity. Let's put it this way, it's not for everyone.

Imaging helps people stay in relatively controlled environments to face their fears or source of anxiety in isolation. It like taking baby steps. So much easier to handle.

Something tells me that viewing some stressful images from your favorite tablet on a coach at home with a cup of tea is the way most people will choose to combat their social anxiety. that is rather than the flooding alternative that would just put you in direct contact with your source of anxiety.

I used to have pornography anxiety and from the comfort of my coach I slowly started to get over it. These days I can watch thousands of stressful images or even videos without a single panic attack. I'm cured. True story.


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NYC Council Supporting Bloomberg's Push for Legal Hostels - Hit ...

Credit: Mubeen Arawker/wikimediaCredit: Mubeen Arawker/wikimedia

Interns and budget-conscious travelers have a surprising ally in the effort by the New York City Council to pass legislation?that would?legalize residential hostels: three-time Reason TV Nanny of the Month winner?Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Luckily, the mayor who infamously supported a?ban on sodas over 16 ounces doesn't appear to take issue with people living in small, condensed spaces. Bloomberg spearheaded the effort in his final State of the City?address.

Even though we?ve become the number one tourism destination in the country we still have unfinished business. Right now, we?re missing out on an important piece of the market: the young people who have an itch to get out and see the world on modest budgets. Hotels in our city can be out of their price range.

So working with Speaker Quinn and the City Council, we'll pass legislation to make New York a more youth-friendly tourism destination by legalizing the for-profit youth hostels that are so common in much of Europe. Our goal is to attract 175,000 more young tourists to our city each year which will create more than 1,000 new jobs for New Yorkers.

Most hostels were effectively put out of business by a 2010 New York law?which outlawed renting residential apartments for stays of less than 30 days. The law came with a cost to the city? an estimated $150 million and about 200,000 tourists per year according to studies, which is minor compared to New York's 52 million visitors in 2012, but advocates for the hostel industry argue that there is unseen damage due to the law.

[Jerry] Kremer and other advocates of the industry argue that the city is losing out on a generation of young, budget- and style-conscious tourists who increasingly steer clear of Manhattan and the outer boroughs in favor not only of European and Asian capitals, but also of Philadelphia, San Francisco and Miami.

?The city took a real blow,? Mr. Kremer said. ?Places like Philly and Washington saw a dramatic increase in young travelers and hostel occupancy rates. They siphoned it away from New York and were indirect beneficiaries of that 2010 legislation. And the economic impact was devastating.?

The economic impact wasn't supposed to be felt, according to justification from the 2010 bill:

There is more than adequate supply of legitimate hotels with accommodations in all price ranges. Should the growth of tourism result in increased demand for hotel rooms in the future, commercially zoned areas of the city allow widespread opportunities for new legitimate hotels.

The new law?would establish an independent office to license hostels, which advocates hope will spark a Generation Y renaissance in the city. New York's Sydell Group, an owner, developer, and manager of hostels,?is planning to open a?hostel in Brooklyn?after success with its pilot hostel in Miami Beach. Sydell Group plans to open up to 10 hostel across the country.


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High Court Deals a Blow To Voting Act (WSJ)

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Nelson Mandela Sick: Family Gathers at Rural Home | Black ...

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? Members of Nelson Mandela?s family and tribal elders gathered Tuesday at the former president?s rural hometown in eastern South Africa, as concern grew for the 94-year-old leader who spent a third day in critical condition in a hospital, local media reported.

The office of President Jacob Zuma said Mandela?s condition remained unchanged after reporting late Sunday that his health had deteriorated to critical, alarming many South Africans as well as people around the world who regard the former president as a symbol of sacrifice and reconciliation.

Mandela?s family members held a meeting at his home in Qunu village in the Eastern Cape province, 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of Johannesburg, where the anti-apartheid leader grew up. No details on what was discussed in the meeting were announced. Those at the gathering included Mandela?s grandsons Mandla and Ndaba Mandela, according to press reports.

The Mail & Guardian, a South African newspaper, reported on its website that some elders in the area were only told of the meeting shortly before it started.

?Many of us in the village were not aware and we were only told this morning, so a number of Mandela elders still need to be transported to Qunu for the meeting,? the newspaper quoted Silumko Mandela, a relative, as saying earlier in the day.

A military helicopter was also seen hovering over the Mandela home, reported the online edition of City Press, a South African newspaper.

As on previous days, other family members were seen visiting the hospital in Pretoria where the Nobel Peace Prize laureate is being treated. South Africa?s defense minister and an Anglican archbishop also visited the facility.

Dozens of doves were released on Tuesday outside the hospital, which has attracted well-wishers who have gathered outside to leave messages of support for Mandela.


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House Spent About $2M of Taxpayers' Money on Coffee, Pastries

5120 COFFEE SCREENER2 16x9 608 House Spent About $2M of Taxpayers Money on Coffee, PastriesThe Sunlight Foundation found that the House of Representatives spent nearly $2 million on coffee and food in 2012??

Most Americans start their day with at least one cup of coffee, maybe paying $2 to $5, but many might be surprised to know they also treat their members of Congress to some joe and a bagel or two, as well.

The Sunlight Foundation, a watchdog group advocating for government transparency, crunched the numbers for ABC News and found that the House of Representatives spent nearly $2 million on coffee and food in 2012 for events in and around the Capitol.

"Congress is spending an awful lot of money to entertain their members," said Bill Allison, the foundation's editorial director. "[It's] coffee and doughnuts and then some very nice catering places in Washington, D.C., as well."

The money is part of lawmakers' representational allowances, which can be used to pay for everything from sending mail to constituents to entertaining visitors. The foundation did not know who the visitors were.

Although lawmakers were paring back, Allison said, they hadn't changed certain rules when it came to food and drink.

"Catering companies can get as much business from the House as they have in the past," he said.

The Sunlight Foundation found that expensive catering was truly a bipartisan effort, with leaders hosting their own members. Republican House Speaker John Boehner spent $64,000. Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spent $61,000. and No. 2 Democrat Steny Hoyer spent $52,000.

The biggest spender in the House was No. 3 Republican Kevin McCarthy of California. On his Facebook page, pictures of meetings include fruit, bagels, croissants and coffee.

McCarthy's 2012 grand total - $95,000, with an additional $4,000 being spent on bottled water - was enough to pay the salaries of two mid-level staffers on Capitol Hill.

"That's a couple of jobs for the average American," Allison said.

McCarthy declined an ABC News request for an interview.

When ABC News approached him as he walked down a hallway in the Capitol to ask about the nearly $100,000 spent to cater meetings and dinner, he responded: "You noticed. We cut it out."

Actually, what ABC News noticed were the leftovers from a meeting McCarthy had just attended. A staffer even offered a bagel.

While McCarthy said he was making cuts, his office did not provide any numbers.

Allison said Americans should ask their leaders to buy their own coffee and pastries.

"We are in an age of austerity and sequestration and budget cuts," Allison said. "It seems like if you are looking for places to cut, the entertainment budget would be the first one you would go to."

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Highlights of Obama's climate plan

President Barack Obama unveiled a sweeping plan Tuesday to combat climate change and prepare the U.S. and other nations for its effects. Some highlights of the president's plan:


? Issue a presidential memorandum to launch the first-ever federal regulations on carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.

? Revise and reissue proposed limits on carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants.

? Provide up to $8 billion in federal loan guarantees to spur investment in efficiency projects and advanced fossil energy, including technology to limit carbon emissions.

? Expand permitting for renewable energy projects like wind and solar on public lands, with a goal of powering more than 6 million homes by 2020.

? Set a goal of installing 100 megawatts of renewable energy projects on federally assisted housing projects by 2020.

? Take more aggressive steps to increase efficiency for appliances and federal buildings, with a goal of reducing carbon dioxide pollution by 3 billion metric tons overall by 2030.

? Develop a new set of fuel-economy standards for heavy-duty vehicles.


? Create a National Drought Resilience Partnership to help communities, farmers and landowners prepare for droughts and wildfires.

? Promote climate change preparedness by creating a toolkit for local governments and businesses, and by partnering with hospitals.

? Update flood risk reduction standards that all federally funded projects must meet.


? Work with China, India and other major polluting countries to reduce emissions.

? End U.S. public financing for new coal-fired power plants in other countries. Plants in the poorest countries using the most efficient technology available would be exempt.


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