If you want your house or your apartment to look more laid back or if you want to give it a more personal touch you shall take a look at shabby chic. This article will give you a more detailed view on shabby chic and everything that comes around with this very special kind of design.
If you surf the internet for facts about shabby chic you will pretty soon find that there are a constantly increasing number of web shops that are selling furniture in the shabby chic style. This is a proof among many others that this style of design is getting more and more popular among common people.
If you are interested in shabby chic blog you just have to make a visit among these web shops just to see all the beautiful and wonderful things you can use to decorate your own home.
Because shabby chic is about interior design and how to make your home more beautiful by using worn furniture or new ones that are distressed in order to look worn and much older than they actually are.
Shabby chic was started by the British design architect Rachel Ashwell in the late 1980?s. The design style was initially very deeply inspired by traditional farm houses on the English countryside. Ashwell started the whole thing by using old and well worn furniture or new ones that she handled in a very rough way to gain the older look. The colors she was using was either white or lighter shades. The main furniture material when it comes to shabby chic is cotton.
Shabby chic is a favorite style among many home design bloggers in the western world. Shabby chic opens up a world of folk tradition with light colors, romantic details and homemade decoration stuff.
The furniture are often bought at auctions or second hand shops and after that restored and painted once again just to make sure that it gets the right well worn look. The fanatics about this style gets more than happy if metal details on the furniture are a little rusty, it just amplifies the worn look. Sometimes Christian stuff ? such as old Bibles, Madonna statues or crucifixes ? are involved.
The term shabby chic inredning can in a way be used to describe a person who is more stylish than fashionable where the style reflects quality instead of newness. Auctions, flea markets and second hand shops are holy ground for a shabby chic person. This place gives him or her chance to buy furniture that has the right worn look.
But the best place for a shabby chic lover is the web. This is the place where you can find web shops that are open 24/7 and where you can shop shabby chic until you drop.
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Source: http://aghoo.com/interior-design/shabby-chic-interior-design.php
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