Friday, June 22, 2012

Memories (Development and Possible Co-GM wanted)

I haven't got this fully developed yet, so if you want to give any contructive critism or have any ideas on how to develop this further, please post here or PM me.

For your deeds, you shall pay in memories!

That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up. I was in what looked like the headquarters of a government agency. Everyone else seemed to know why I was there. Somebody came in and began chatting to me like they knew me. I freaked out, and, um, accidentally broke the table and chair. I haven't a clue why I'm here, or where I am.

They were supposedly developed as weapons, but they failed. So we took them in, meaning to use them to catch people who avoid the law. But we instead use them to learn new scientific theories and to get inside the minds of others. One day I went in to talk to one of them. We called them the Novums. They tended to be so nice, it was so hard not to like them. But they went mad. They didn't recongise me and went mad, smashing up the furniture. I narrowly avoided getting hit by a chair leg. They all began acting this way, unable to control themselves. We don't know what went wrong. They don't know who they are or who we are.

Two different stories, connected to each other by each other. Nobody is sure of the other, but they will have to work together to sort everything out and prevent it happening again.

What happened to the Novums' memories? What caused it, and how can they be retrieved? Do they have any recollection of what they can do?

Okay, like I said, it's still got to be developed. I have the basic plot in mind, but I can't quite flesh it out. But that's where you lovely people come in. If you're interested in the plot as it is, say so. If you like the basic plot but think it needs developing, say so. If you think the whole thing needs developing, again, say so. Tell me how to do it, though. Thanks!

"It was just one of those, And they died. The End! stories that make us demigods feel warm and fuzzy."Percy Jackson

"You've got a date with destiny. Don't be late."

"Is that a movie quote? Or is it an actual date? I don't remember destiny asking me. I never even gave destiny my phone number.? - Maximum Ride

?Man, you weigh a freaking ton," he told me. "What've you been eating, rocks?"
"Why, is your head missing some?"

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