Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Church helps community stay healthy : News : MySouthwestGA.com

They invited nursing students from Albany Technical Colleges to come and teach others about ways to stay healthy and about their own personal health.

&nbsp/&nbspCourtney Highfield

ALBANY, GA -- Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Albany held a?health fair?for the community Saturday morning.

They invited nursing students from Albany Technical College to come and teach others about ways to stay healthy and about their own personal health.

Carolyn Mathis, the coordinator of this event, said not only did they provide information to the public about being healthy, they also went on a walk downtown to promote fitness.

Mathis says with the obesity rate higher than it should be in the United States, she wants to do all she can for her church and her community to prevent it from getting any higher here in Albany. Mathis hopes to hold events like this at least twice a month.

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Source: http://www.mysouthwestga.com/news/story.aspx?id=884719

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