Thursday, May 23, 2013

JUNIANTO - Dudley Elmo473's blog

21.?????? Dialog Internasional 4 Pendidikan Matematika

Sometimes people become lazy because of the wide range of technologies that facilitate its activities. However, this habit should be eliminated because it will make us lazy to think. Therefore, despite some technology that serves a wide range of convenience in mathematical calculation, we still need to learn math. Because all of the technology that was born from the math anyway.
Technology should only be used as support in learning math, because that's exactly the purpose of the technology. The most important of learning mathematics are trained to think critically. And critical thinking will always be useful in life.

22.?????? Dialog Internasional 3 Pendidikan Matematika

As a teacher, one should not impose its will to the students. Sometimes a lot of teachers who want to instill the students to love mathematics. In fact, not all students are able to accept the teacher desires. To that end, let the students feel that way myself. Teacher's task is to facilitate and assist student learning.

I agree with the statement that most methods of teaching mathematics only emphasize on solving the problem. Oriented so that teachers how to teach so that students could answer the question, while students were oriented or tricks on how to answer the questions and how much he will get. Though the educational process should be over it all. With the method, students can not explore their thinking ability. They become passive and uncreative.

22.?????? Dialog Internasional 2 Pendidikan Matematika

In order to facilitate student learning, teachers can present something that is able to give students the opportunity to explore their minds. with this method, students will be more free to be creative with mathematical formulas. Do not make the students to solve the problem only with one method only, but give them the opportunity to use their own way.
Teachers need to understand the character of the students, not all students are like the math. Students were very diverse and have the skills to each corresponding field. Therefore, it should be democratic to not impose all about math to students.

23.?????? Dialog Internasional 1 Pendidikan Matematika

The success of a teacher in teaching is much more than intelligence in presenting the material, but judging from how well it is able to facilitate students in learning, and how many students are able to explore their talents due to the application of democracy in learning. The teacher must be able to create an atmosphere conducive to learning. With the conducive atmosphere, students will be more flexible in its ability to move and explore. Teachers should not use specific criteria to measure student success. Due to certain criteria, students will only learn to achieve certain criteria. So students can develop their creativity.

24.?????? Philosophy: How to Understand the Fourth Dimension

It was the first time I read an article that discussed the "fourth dimension". Due to this a lot of people were saying was about 2-dimensional and 3 dimensional is highest. This article also made ??me realize how important it is to learn and keep learning, because science can not be discharged to learn. However, I am not able to understand the whole article because the language is too high for me.
What I understand is that there are four dimensions in the body where explain by Ouspensky, PD He explained that there are two kinds of motion, namely motion in space and motion in time. Which is a fourth dimension of space is time, and time is the limit of space. It may be able to represent what I understand from this article.
So, which is the fourth dimension is time, where time is not something that can be recorded and played back. Time is also a dimension that is very difficult to define concretely. But time is real and can be felt by every human being alive.

25.??????Resource for Developing Mthematics Education?

Various references in mathematics education is very important to learn. The more references are used, the method and the science of Education course will be more diverse. This post was very helpful in finding a suitable reference in learning mathematics. With a wide range of references in Dr posting. Marsigit this, it will open our vision to constantly study and learn.
References are not only from textbooks, but from the internet also are many and varied. Today, almost no one does not need technology, all technology needs. So, there are references on the internet needs to be optimally utilized, effective and accountable.

26. More link

References from the Internet are numerous and widespread. Therefore, we need the expertise to choose what is best suited for learning mathematics. And I would like to thank Dr. Marsigit posting some links that have been the source of learning mathematics. This is very helpful in the learning process. Since the reference of the printed book would not be enough. In addition, the references of the internet is also more flexible and do not need to buy too many books.

27.?????? problem PLPG

Indeed, PLPG is needed for the development of teacher's creativity in teaching. Not only that, the changing times accompanied by the development of the human mindset is also one reason why PLPG necessary. This training will also make the teachers to better know and not confused with his problems, such as the notion that he has implemented innovative methods apparently it has not been successful. The existence of increasingly advanced technology, also influenced the development of the student mindset. Traditional teaching methods should be immediately converted to modern methods. Modern methods will further promote student's active role, not an active teacher. Teachers as facilitators and mentors, not taught in full. This is because most of the students currently experimented rather than hearing a lecture course.
Therefore, new innovations in learning need to be improved and developed, because traditional methods are no longer suitable to be applied. This method will actually hinder student creativity.


28.?????? Lesson Study dan Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Belajar Matematika

Development of educational methods should be improved. Workshop and International Symposium organized by the Extraordinary Educational Studies Program (PLB), Faculty of Education (FIP) is one of the many efforts to develop methods of education in Indonesia. It is meriting appreciated. Theme of the event is Lesson Study in Relation to learning mathematics and sports for children with special needs. Lesson Study is to be implemented in Indonesia in order to create a better education system.
This method is a new innovation in the teaching that has been applied in Japan and other countries. I strongly agree if method is applied in Indonesia as it has many benefits such as: to enhance the professionalism of teachers, to improve the quality of learning, to develop their potential and serve the learning needs of students, to develop a variety of props or learning aids, etc. other than that the Act that support teaching for children with special needs also strengthen the implementation of Lesson Study that the quality of education they are getting better.
Variations in the application of Lesson Study will also make students more interested in the material, especially math and sports. Lesson Study can be implemented to improve the learning and preparation, by a group of teachers as resource persons invited lecturers. If it is to improve communication between teachers, it can be implemented Cross-School Lesson Study.
In essence, development and innovation in learning should be developed in order to better and quality education. Therefore, it deserves our appreciation workshop and should be emulated to improve education in Indonesia.

29.?????? Pembelajaran Matematika Seperti Apa yang Kita Harapkan di SD?

Learning methods with systematic steps that need to be done. Based on this article, the steps that have been prepared properly, from preparation to closing. In addition, in one step methods also exist that invite students to discuss. This is a highly interactive method, because the position of students as learning actors.
Mathematics teaching should also be linked to the reality of the daily life. With this method students will better understand the material because by example. Teachers also expressed problems in life to be completed by the student mathematically. This will hone student's creativity. Problem solving by students in groups will train the student's social life for cooperation.

30.?????? Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika di SD

Certainly a lot of problems that exist in education in Indonesia. Including education at primary school level. Primary education should be done carefully and cautiously, because education will affect the perception of students when he began to rise to a higher level of education. Various issues presented in this article may be fairly representative of the problems encountered in teaching at the elementary school level. Thus, these issues should be resolved and sought the most appropriate solution. The sooner the problem is solved then the sooner the development of education in Indonesia.

31.?????? Metodologi Pendidikan

Identifying the education process is very important. Of identification that it will know the advantages and disadvantages of a process or method of education. This article is very useful for a variety of questions asked were able to identify the extent to which educational success is achieved. Of course there is not a perfect method, but at least the method can provide optimal results.
Thus, the identification of educational methodology needs to be done on a continuous basis using such questions in this article.

32.?????? To Develop Lesson Plan for Secondary Mathematics Teaching (Mengembangkan RPP Untuk PBM Matematika di SMP)

Developing lesson plans for junior high school level necessary for the creation of interactive learning. Get started learning math can be classified into 2 general preparation and specific preparation.

I agree that a teacher should be able to develop teaching materials to support mathematics learning success. For teachers it should mutlaq he could do because it will help the students of understanding the material. Therefore, the development of teaching materials should promote student activity.


Without realizing it, teaching math, learning math, and greatly affects the psychology of learning mathematics students and teachers. Regardless of the method used by teachers to teach very influential in psychology students. Based on these questions in this article, many of which affect the psychology of students, ranging from the number of tasks, problem solving, and a government-organized UAN.
Not many students are frightened by the UAN for various reasons. There is a feeling not ready, nervous, etc.. Thus the role of the teacher is needed in these circumstances. Teachers must be able to convince and motivate students. Teachers are also required to be able to develop a more interactive math learning and placing students as subjects.


There are so many problems in the process of learning mathematics in the face by students and teachers. Teachers are required to be able to develop learning students easily understand the material, while the students are expected to be able to understand and master the material presented by the teacher.

In developing the study, the most affected is the teacher's competence. No doubt that not all teachers are able to develop and apply methods of learning are good, so sometimes students do not understand the material presented. To that end, the identification of learning problems in mathematics as in this article needs to be studied and sought a solution especially for teachers.

35.?????? Peran Intuisi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

I agree that intuition has a very important role in the process of learning mathematics. In this booklet stated that the role of intuition can be assessed within the scope of ontology and epistemology. With the intuitive one is able to recognize the position of objects, concepts and mathematical structures, sources of knowledge of mathematics, mathematical methods and decision-making.
Intuition also greatly assist students in understanding the material presented teachers. However, teachers also have to realize that every student is unique and different. So is the intuition of each of them must also differ.

36.?????? Perencanaan Pembelajaran Matematika

Preparation of learning mathematics is very important and needs to be planned carefully. Preparation of this study are divided into two general preparation and specific preparation. Preparations include a variety of things that will be able to improve the quality of learning. Thus, much remains to be done before the teacher teaches. Preparing lesson plans, worksheets for the students, reviewing curriculum, etc. is a small part that must be prepared by the teacher...

37.?????? Peran Penelitian dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Matematika

Professionalism of teachers is crucial to success in the learning process in an educational institution. Therefore, there should be ways to improve the professionalism of a teacher, one with the conduct of research. Research is an activity to get the so-called scientific knowledge, performed certain procedures that are systematic and supported by a methodology that is an assessment of the rules of the method. This is a very positive thing and should be done.
This research will also make a teacher become more innovative and creative. So, it is true that teachers also need to get a discussion on how to get the knowledge. Knowledge. And this knowledge must be scientific. Of course, the methods used to obtain that knowledge should be scientific.

38.?????? Peer Teaching of Secondary Mathematics in Bilingual for Teachers of The Candidate of International School

No doubt that most teachers still use traditional methods of learning are. Teachers are still plenty of explaining the material to the students, so that students seem passive. Teachers also dominates the initiation, questions and activities. Though the methods applied should have led to a modern education, where teachers give more space for students to express ideas and activities. So, the students are actively involved in learning. In fact, teachers have the opportunity and ability to develop interactive learning. However, there are still many obstacles faced by traditional culture is ingrained and difficult to remove.

39.?????? Identification the Problems on The Effort to Improve Teaching Learning Practice

There are so many problems faced by teachers in presenting the material to students. Identify the problems that exist in this article should be addressed in order to be able to walk learning activities as expected by the parties concerned.

This article is also very helpful teacher who may have the same problem. Therefore, I strongly agree with this article posted.

40.?????? Peer-teaching as one of The Activities of In-service Mathematics Junior High School Teacher Training

I agree with the learning process presented in this article. Teaching methods such as these are spurring activity of students, because students are required to undertake activities in the worksheet.

This method was developed systematically. Students are given little direction in a worksheet to find itself a certain formula of wide awake. With this method the students will become more familiar and memories the formula.
For that, this method needs to be developed and implemented in order to be more qualified teaching and students become more master the material presented.


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