Game Review: Age of Empires Online
Release: Aug 16, 2011
Genre: RTS
Developer: Gas Powered Games / Microsoft Games Studios
Available Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Players: 1 ? 4
MSRP: Free + $ for Add Ons
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone (10+)
Age of Empires is back with a new online ?Live? enabled chronicle of the renouned RTS game. With two civilizations to start with, the Greeks and the Egyptians, you can erect your Empire as you see fit. With a merge of features from both Age of Empires II and III, this is not a watered down chronicle of the diversion per se, but many of the tools are sole little by little (more on this later).
The access indicate is to diversion is somewhatcarvedfrom AOE III ? having a Capital City offer as a principal menu of sorts ? but it?s sufficient more than that. Here is where you outlay Technology Points, fixation them in a tree make up to guide the growth of your civilizations. This is moreover sufficient similar to a prize room, as you can increase structures, thicket (as an ascent pack, seriously), etc. to uncover off your accomplishments to your friend, who can revisit your Capital City. Among the buildings here is the online store where a engorgement of bolt-on calm is existing for sale.
Game fool around and the controls feel similar to a good worn-out span of boots, nice and comfortable, notably for those who are already aware with AOE. For those new to Personal Computer gaming who are inundated simply by set of keys shortcuts ? the whole diversion may be played with the mouse. Graphically, the makeover looks great and may be practiced to indemnify for existing Personal Computer horsepower.
One of the mandate for this diversion is a broadband Internet connection. Not usually is the connection indispensable for smoothness of the diversion to your PC, but, let?s just say that when they call this diversion Age of Empires Online they unequivocally meant it. If you are not related to the Internet, the diversion simply will not even load, so take the ONLINE segment very seriously.
we will skip the AI player matches; it was my preferred segment of the past renditions of the game. This is primarily since we could set the burden turn to keep from getting my donkey handed to me whilst receiving my time and perplexing assorted strategies. However, my principal regard with this ?free to play? diversion is the ?free? part. It feels so nude down it could pass as usually a demo, leaving the two enclosed civilizations in need of the reward calm upgrades just to be able to emanate player vs. player auditorium matches and have access to configure the tie in the way you would similar to it ? or ? to be able to entice other players of the giveaway chronicle to come together your game.
Granted, there are package deals being offering to the early adopters. One such package is a period pass that includes all the downloadable calm is to initial 6 months at 30% off. That?s not bad until you noticed that that it cost 8000 points or $99 US. It includes more civilizations, campaigns, even plants to embellish your Capital Cities. It arrange of feels similar to Gordon Gekko picked up the aging authorization for a strain and is bursting it up in to pieces and selling it all off away at a outrageous profit. Unless there is a ton of calm forthcoming for that hundred bucks, it will drop very partial of what was enclosed with AOE II (13 civilizations) or AOE III ( 9 civilizations) for half the cost when they were released. Additional ?Premium Civilizations? will be $20 US any with other extra calm costing from $5 US to $10 US per pack.
For my last take on Age of Empires Online, we am torn. It?s a diversion that is loyal to the criterion of the Empires franchise, with a bit of amicable network town office building thrown in ? thankfully without the micro-transactions. In demand to obtain the full Online experience, is it value a hundred bucks? Maybe. You can collect and select the calm you want, so there are of course cheaper routes to enjoying this game. My recommendation is to download and try the giveaway chronicle and go from there. My tummy tells me that calm pricing is going to come down or be restructured to allure to more people, but that probably won?t keep me from shopping a few nice thicket for my Capital City, and it?s just this turn of obsession that Microsoft and Gas Powered are counting on. If it wasn?t mannerism forming, do you think your initial strike would be free?
Great seeking HD graphics makeover
Familiar Controls
Fully integrated with Live for Windows
Free to fool around with Greeks and Egyptians
Potential high cost for completists
Final Score 8 out of 10
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