Sunday, May 20, 2012

Independence on the Internet and make money online - How Can I ...

Writen by BIN WU

Every week I am asked by people who intend to embark on the Web with the idea that they no longer have to get up in the morning to work.

They think they will work as they see fit and they have the good life ...

But you should know why ...The failure rate is enormous

Most people think that running a profitable business on the Internet is as easy as creating a website and it will display "just buy HERE."

Managing a business of any kind, requires self-discipline.

Starting a small business in LINEMonthly people start an internet business thinking they can party all night, sleep until noon and then make a living by sitting for 3 or 4 hours at their computers.

Some think that the world will connect to their site in order to spend money. Unfortunately, this does not happen like that.

An Internet business does not function alone.

It is true that some Web entrepreneurs no longer need to spend long hours running their business.
But it is a privilege that they have acquired over time.

Their success does not happen overnight.
To succeed, get ready just like them, to invest the time necessary for the development of your business-Net.

It is not reasonable that you expected to make real profits for many months ...

Personally, I find it hard to understand those of you who, even after making many unnecessary expenses, are always looking for quick and easy solutions.
Do not remain in ignorance

All businesses have one thing in common.
These are primarily companies and they must be managed as such.

It is not necessary to have graduated from business school to become a successful entrepreneur, but it is absolutely essential that you master some basic knowledge about entrepreneurship.

For example, if you're struggling to balance and manage your personal accounts, you should consider keeping your current job and very quickly you forget to go into business on the Internet.

Successful businesses are not accidents.
Very few new Internet businesses are successful.

?Before even considering creating an online business, your first task is to inform you, take advice ...
This is the bare minimum!

You must have sufficient resources not only to start your business, but also to cover your own financial needs for a period of time.

There is no way around the need to have sufficient capital.

The common point of all business start ... any ... is that there is no guarantee of success.

Failure is always an option, but the possibility of success can be optimized.

Knowledge has no price. It's up to you to be aware.

But most of all ...
Stop jumping on the "opportunity" of the moment!

Although training is essential to your success, it's not a reason to spend lavishly.

Your learning will be based on your needs and not according to "products" of the moment.

Imagine ... if you are still looking for the opportunity that will earn you miles and cents ...

Yesterday was Google AdSense ...
Today, this may be "the magic of Kindle" or "blogging and live the life of your dreams."
Tomorrow it might be "eBay and its easy wins" or "get rich with resale rights" ...

Ultimately, by stopping your thinking about "how I can make money now", you will be taken:

????to spend your money consistently, without targeting your purchases,
to move from an "opportunity" to another, abandoning the previous
to be overwhelmed and never take action.

So I ask you:

Would you rather be and remain a "dream opportunity" or becoming a real entrepreneur who is given the chance to succeed?

In the first case, you will be the perfect pigeon to pluck.And you know why?
By having no idea what you want to do, you will have to buy everything and anything.

This makes sense because if you have not defined the vision and mission of your company, you will set up no selection criteria for your purchases.

And so it is obvious that you will be easy prey for marketers who will not hesitate to use emotional levers for you to spend in the act of purchase.
In the second case, by establishing a strategy, with a clear vision of your project, an action plan clearly defined, you will know exactly what you need.
And you will have criteria for choosing your training, your purchases.

I know. I know ...

????This is not the "seller" to tell you to think like an entrepreneur ...
It would be much more profitable for me if I told you that I hold the solution, the business "turnkey" that will make you a new rich, the training you offer 2000 euros / month.

But between us, would it not be wiser for you ...

????Keep feet on the ground while dreaming of independence to your ambition?
To stop your compulsive shopping by thinking a little bit to the truth of the promises made to you?
Begin to develop your own project while taking into account your strengths, your skills?

It's up to you to get off your cloud or remaining ...
And to act accordingly ...

With that, I returned to my renovations (for my new home), because I know full well that the work involved (whatever field of activity) will never be alone ...


Read more make money online ideas...




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