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We currently stand in the legacy of a half-formed sexual revolution of the 1960s. That was followed up by feminism, the Roe v Wade decision of the Supreme Court, a massive conservative backlash that included Abstinence-only sexual indoctrination, and of course AIDS. There are plenty of places where the sex is flowing freely, but is it the kind of sex you want? And as for what you now have available: is that the sex you want?
Bourbon Street, New Orleans. Photo by Eric Francis.
I ask these questions because we are in the midst of a quickening of erotic energy ? in part represented by a surge of eros associated with the Venus transit of the Sun, described by David Tresemer (his interview from UAC is re-posted in the audio link above).
Another astrological marker is the Uranus-Pluto square: we have come to a turning point in all things related to the 1960s and also the conservative backlash against them. One indication of this, in the sexual/relational sphere, is the crumbling of anti-gay laws and values. ?Don?t ask, don?t tell? was repealed last year, and state after state is adopting marriage equity laws (this despite the others that are adopting marriage purity laws).
Yet that?s just a small sample of the revolution in consciousness being spurred by Uranus-Pluto. There are many other signs and there will be many more ? which means opportunities to change, to grow and to participate personally. Today I put the question to Planet Waves readers who use Facebook: what would a sexual revolution look like? I was confident we would get some great answers, and we did. Here are some of them. I will hold off on sharing my own thoughts till tomorrow?s post, where we will continue the discussion.
Amanda Moreno wrote, ?A breakdown of the myth of the soul mate, which would evolve from its current sado-masochistic form (I?m not complete without you! Who am I without someone else to validate me? If I don?t find my one true love, I have failed!) into a more healing myth that respects curiosity, multiple models for healthy relationships and sexuality, and a focus on becoming complete/reliant/worthy within one?s own right first (enter in: the importance of masturbation among other things), and then extending that out to engage with the multitude of soul mates that might appear ? and maybe then disappear! ? throughout one?s life, learning more about the body/soul/spirit through expansive sexuality. Or something.?
Rebecca Brown wrote, ?I was part of that sexual revolution in the 60s, sitting topless and meditating by the Millstream in Woodstock. I?m not sure I would minimize its importance. However, true sexual revolution is like any type of evolution. It comes gradually with an opening of the lower chakras and accepting one?s sexual energy as being part of the total spiritual self and knowing what is right for yourself and allowing it to happen. I don?t think a sexual revolution would manifest as having everyone run around naked and engaging in orgies. Instead, there would be an inner peace about one?s sexuality, thus allowing others the same freedoms.?
New Orleans art gallery. Photo by Eric Francis.
Carrie wrote, ?Tamping down religious rhetoric about sex would be a big part of any sexual revolution. Religions have been responsible for a lot of the sexual repression and dysfunction in the world. Acceptance of female agency in sex and female control over her sexuality for a start. Less (or no) focus on genetic progeniture; that would help eliminate the controls on female fertility. Acceptance of sexual desire in both genders and allowing for the free expression (within healthy parameters of consenting adults). Acceptance of the sexuality of minors (babies are sexual beings and will grow up to be sexual beings) and promoting healthy education for them so they can become sexually aware and caring adults.?
Heleen Hoogma wrote, ?I hope a sexual revolution will have something to do with a change in the awareness of having power (of love) and passion and expression in whatever form one might choose to live it. I feel that power is a keyword in this (I don?t know why though).?
Candidly Lizzy wrote, ?A sexual revolution this time around would be one which eliminated boundaries (gender, orientation, race and age). It would be one in which the pairings of others ? in all their varieties would go as unrecognized as a spaceship driving down Lexington Ave. Target would begin selling toys design by Missoni, Mizrahi and Jonathan Adler. Perhaps even a special Dodson Collection at Macy?s. Marriages would be held together by emotional (and spiritual) contract, not a legal piece of paper. Legal papers will ONLY serve to recognize unions for tax and property purposes ? completely secular. People will be together with upfront (discussed) understandings as to whether they they are exclusive, periodic, sex-only, and they will make a point of knowing what they want rather than that being and after-the-fact consideration.?
Jennifer Hillman wrote, ?I feel that myth is breaking down in the reality of the changing aspects of relationships these days. Most of the men I know? don?t want to be ?tied down? to one person and feel the expression of the human sexuality is more along the line of ?love the one you?re with? attitude. Perhaps this is the begin of the sexual revolution.?
Chenoa Johnston wrote, ?A sexual revolution would look like a blasted open sensual and loving world! No sexual abuse in existence! Prostitution considered normal! The science of pleasure taught to the young at an early age! the elimination of shame and guilty sexual desire! Self-responsibility and accountability.?
Continued tomorrow.
Eric Francis is the founder, editor and publisher of Planet Waves, Inc., an internet publishing company that created the Planet Waves internet sites. Planet Waves Daily Astrology & Adventure publishes four times daily with a focus on astrology, politics, sexuality, relationships and project glass google goggles one tree hill projectglass stock act new york auto show khalid sheikh mohammed
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