Here are the elements of each of the kingdoms:
The Kingdom of Kish: Earth
The Kingdom of Oran: Fire
The Kingdom of Noria: Water
The Kingdom of Era: Air
The Kingdom of Kera: Shadows/Darkness
The Kingdom of Ori: Time
The Kingdom of Min: Soul
Now, with each of these elements, the people of the kingdoms can control and bend their elements, but they can also do many other different things. Here is a list to get the idea of what your character will be able to do.
The Kingdom of Kish
Skipping, since I'm the only one who plays a character from here
The Kingdom of Oran
The people of the Kingdom of Oran can control and bend fire, even make it appear out of nothing. There's not that much to say with what you can do with this, since it's easy to come up with things to do with fire. You can make animals out of fire and control them, blow fire out of your mouth, make yourself light up on fire, and much of other stuff.
The Kingdom of Noria
This is kind of like Oran, but it's just the opposite. Of course, the people of Noria can control and bend water, but they can also do a little more than just that. Since ice is made out of water, they can control ice, and freeze the water they control in many different forms. Another strange thing that they can do, is control people's movements by controlling their blood, since blood has water in it. But that is very, very, hard, and most people don't know how to do it.
The Kingdom of Era
The people in the kingdom of Era can (similar to Noria and Oran) control and bend Air. They can drift on it, and even make themselves float into the air. They can also do stuff like make blades with gusts of air. (put a Norian and an Eran together and you get a hurricane =D Lol joking)
The Kingdom of Kera
The element of this kingdom is quite different than the other elements. Yeah, the people of this kingdom can control and bend it, but they usually don't do just that. They usually do things such as go into shadows so they can move around from shadow to shadow, and do stuff like go into the shadow of someone else, and then jump out behind them out of their shadow. They can also make things come out of the shadows, and they can also make shadows strangle people. It's a strange, but powerful element to control.
The Kingdom of Ori
The people from this kingdom can't really control and bend time. If they do, it's only for a couple of seconds since this element is hard to control. They can't stop time for a long time or go back in time, but instead they can only stop time for about 10 seconds, but they can't kill anyone in the ten seconds, but they can seriously injure and such. Besides that, the people of this kingdom can make others see illusions, and this ability is only dangerous because it can kill someone by making them fall into the clutches of insanity. This element is kind of confusing, so if you want to know more about it, just ask me about it ^^
The Kingdom of Min
Now, the last kingdom, Min, can control the element soul. No, this does not mean they can extract the soul of others, randomly killing them all of a sudden -.- But instead, they can do things such as switch their soul into the body of someone else, taking control over the body while the original soul is useless in their own body and able to do nothing. However, when they do this, the body of the one who transferred there soul goes limp, and is vulnerable. Another thing about it is that if the body they are currently taking over is hurt, the original body of themselves are hurt too. They can't do this forever though, and it will only last for a couple of minutes. Other things that the people of this kingdom can do is things such as take energy from others if they can be able to touch their forehead.
If you have any other questions, or want to know more, please post on here saying so and I'll answer your questions.
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