Saturday, October 1, 2011

Celebrity Cookbooks ? Buy or Avoid?

Celebrity cookbooks have been around for a long time. No matter what the subject or discipline, celebrities, especially actors and actresses, think they know enough to share their wisdom with the rest of us. Some actually do know something, but for the most part, they know as much as you or I do. So when it comes to celebrity cookbooks, success is more determined by good editors and ensuring that recipes are spelled out properly with full lists of ingredients, procedures, and instructions. Otherwise, you can get a real mess, such as the 1940 classic cookbook, ?Specialites de la Maison?, which has recipes from everybody who was anybody of that era, including Katherine Hepburn, Helen Keller, Christian Dior and even Eleanor Roosevelt. My experience with this celebrity cookbook began after watching an episode of ?Anna and Katherine?s Grocery Bag? on the Oprah Winfrey Network. OWN airs two half-hour episodes every Saturday morning starting at 6am EDT. The premise of their show is to buy a popular cookbook and then actually make several dishes from it. Then they have a taste testing from a profession chef. Most of the time the dishes fall short and the ladies get discouraged, blaming the [...]


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