Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Learn How To Do Home Improvement Like A Pro | Arty Apt

When making outside cosmetic improvements to your home, don?t neglect the front door. A cheap, ugly front door can make the whole front appear less attractive. To replace a standard front door, costs less than $200. The improvement you will see in the appearance of your home is more than worth the cost.

Resurface the concrete walkways and driveways around your home for a new look. Replacing concrete can get incredibly expensive and doesn?t add much to the curb appeal of your home. Consider resurfacing with cobblestone or brick which will cost a fraction of replacing concrete and will look like a million bucks.

Check with your local electric and/or gas company to see if you might qualify for a grant to weatherize your home. In the interest of saving energy, your heating and cooling company may insulate your attic, weatherstrip your doors and windows and even replace your ancient heating and cooling system. Take a moment to ask!

Brighten up your kitchen cabinets simply by washing them. Dish soap and warm water works wonders on most dust, smudges and built-up grease. For heavy soil or grease, use a store-bought cleaner with orange oil that is specifically made for wood cabinets. Test a spot first, and then work from the top down.

Room dividers are useful for defining living areas in homes with open floor plans. Purchased shelving units or folding screens always work well. However, simpler screens can also be made easily; hang fabric panels on dowels attached to the ceiling. Dividers allow privacy and visually break up large spaces into areas with specific purpose, such as computer nooks or exercise areas.

Paint your garage floor with an epoxy coating for a professional-looking surface that cleans up with ease. While the process requires several steps and a few days to cure and harden, the results are worth it. The epoxy coating will resist stains from oil and dirt, and spills will wipe up with ease.

Never underestimate your home-improvement project. Prior to starting, make a list of the necessary steps that must be followed, and have it reviewed by someone who is more knowledgeable than you to make sure there are no missing steps. Overestimate the time needed to complete the project in case there are any unforeseen complications.

Fun fact, most dishwashers, when full, are actually more efficient than washing dishes by hand. The water consumed is likely less than the amount you use to wash your own dishes. Bonus, it is faster, and typically the washer will dry your dishes too. If you are looking into buying a new appliance for your home, consider a dishwasher.

When managing your home in the summer months, make use of as many fans as you can. Ceiling fans especially help keep the air in a room circulating and therefore help keep the room cooler. Using room and ceiling fans can help reduce the amount of energy you use running an air conditioner, lowering your electric bill.

Buying new furniture can be very costly. You can add some pizzazz to your rooms with nice furniture by shopping local thrift stores and garage sales. You may find some real hidden treasures among used things, such as furniture. Some may require a bit of work, but with the right time invested, they can be a real asset to your household.

Always use gloves, glasses, and earphones when completing a home improvement project. Even small projects can give off dust and debris that might harm your eyes, create loud noises that are dangerous to your ear drums, and require chemicals that are not safe for your skin. Taking a few safety steps may seem silly for a small project, but you will thank yourself when no harm comes your way.

As you may now be starting to understand, the home-improvement process does not need to be as difficult or time consuming as you thought it might be. The important thing to remember is to go one step at a time. By following the tips and advice from this article you will help to ensure your home-improvement project meets with great success.

Raymundo Livley works as a scholar on the subject of snow markers

Source: http://artyapt.com/blog/learn-how-to-do-home-improvement-like-a-pro/

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